Chapter 15 // Streaming And Prying

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A few days had gone by and the three boys had never felt happier to be hanging out together again. It was obvious that their connection hadn't changed at all with their time apart.

Rain fell hard outside and strong wind harshly swayed the trees outside. Unwilling to go outside, the boys stayed inside for the day and hung out. They played board games, made food together, and watched a few episodes of a show.

"How's the whole streaming thing going for you guys?" Sapnap asked, everyone sat in the living room with a cup of coffee.

"Pretty good, I get like a seventy 'k' viewer average on Twitch," Dream said.

"No fuckin' way, that's awesome, you guys are like famous now!" Sapnap exclaimed.

"I wouldn't say famous... maybe 'well known'," George said.

"Well how many followers or viewers or whatever do you have?" Sapnap asked George.

"I have two million subs on YouTube and about thirty 'k' viewers when I'm live."

"Dude, you guys are totally famous," Sapnap said.

"Yeah well Dream has ten million subs on YouTube so he's more famous than me..." George bragged for him.

"What the fuck? Dude that's fuckin' incredible, congrats. That's not easy."

"Thanks," Dream said shyly.

"We could stream?" Sapnap suggested.

"Sure!" Dream said, excited. "What do you want to play?"

"We could just mess around on a minecraft world and do a Q&A," George suggested.

"Are you any good at playing Minecraft?" Dream asked.

"Of course," Sapnap said pridefully.

"We'll see about that," Dream smirked.

The boys all crammed into one small office space and got Sapnap set up on a laptop that was too laggy for his own good.

"Hey guys," Dream introduced to his stream. "Today I'm here with George, obviously, and an awesome high school friend who is visiting, Sapnap!"

"Sup guys, Dream can I- can I- am I allowed to curse on stream?"

"Yeah I don't care," Dream said.

"Fuck yea!"

"Chillllll," Dream said while George snickered in the background. "Anyway, Sapnap plays a lot of Valorant and Fortnite so we'll see how good he is at Minecraft."

"What do you mean? I'm excellent- I'm literally the best Minecraft player... ever."

"Oh really?" Dream challenged.

"Hell yea," Sapnap continued.

"How about I make a bunch of- like... like a bunch of mini tests- and then you guys- you guys will like... like compete and see who's the best," George suggested.

"Yeah that sounds awesome," Dream agreed. "Cause I'm definitely gonna beat his ass."

"You wanna beat my ass? Dream?" Sapnap joked.

"Oh shut up, idiot."

As George started to build some parkour obstacles and battles to fight, they made small talk and answered questions from donos.

"Katie asks how tall am I compared to George and Sapnap," Dream reads aloud.

"Ohhhh I am so much bigger and stronger than him, it's unreal guys," Sapnap says.

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