Red or white?

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Harumi once tried to poison Lloyd. She gave him a glass of red wine. They were sitting on the couch, but before Lloyd took a sip he smelled a hint of cinnamon in the drink, and he instantly remembered Pixals training courses.

"Alright, so how to identify poison?" Pixal asked. She looked at everyone and they all shook their heads.

"If theres ice in a drink, see if the ice is sinking to the bottom of the glass. If it is that means its poison, and whenever you smell a scent of cinnamon in your drink, its to cover up the smell of the poison"

They all nodded, some half asleep from the boring course.

"Now, lets talk about first aid-"

Lloyd saw right through Harumi, so he decided to play it smartly.

"Why arent you drinking?" She asked looking at his full glass.

"I dont really feel like it right now" he said softly with a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, thats alright. At least let me get you a handkerchief, your nose is bleeding" Harumi got up and gave him a white handkerchief which he blew his nose with, the red cloth was now stained red as his nose began to bleed more.

"Why did you do it Harumi, i thought you loved me..." Lloyd uttered looking at the drink om the table.

"Lloyd, if you didnt fall for the drink your still gonna die in another way" Harumi grinned, that grin.

"I thought... i-i though... you..." Lloyd started to feel dizzy and weak.

"Lloyd" she cupped his face, "the handkerchief" he looked down to the white cloth and realized instantly. She smirked as he began to loose consciousness.

"I love you" she smirked before pushing his body off the couch and rolled it on the floor.

"No... if you loved me why did you do this"

"I love you too much till the point i would let you go" Harumi whispered in his ear.

Then Lloyd felt everything go blank, and he let the darkness consume him.

Lloyd didnt even consider loving someone so much till the point you let them go. If you loved them, why would you let them go?

"I love you so much till the point i would let you go"

The strongest love in the world is the love that is never returned.

But if you truly love someone, you'll let them go.

Kai found him later in his room.

"LLOYD? LLOYD!" Kai shouted and ran to Lloyd's unconscious body.

"PIXAL, ZANE, PLEASE COME!" He screamed so loud till his throat was raw and red. Kai started sobbing over Lloyd's body and crying his heart out.

"SOMEONE HELP!" Nobody came that night, until Zane ran into the room moments later with a first aid kit in his hand.

"What happened?" Asked Zane.

"I dont know, i found him like this on the floor" Kai said between sobs.

Lloyd was rushed to the med bay until Zane and Pixal managed to give him an antidote for the poison.

"Lloyd, who poisoned you?" Cole asked.

"I dont wanna talk about it" Lloyd wrapped his arms around his head and looked at the floor.

"Please, just tell us who" begged Cole.

"Harumi..." He whispered as his eyes filled with tears.

Cole and Kai looked at each other in a way of communication without words then looked at Lloyd again with concerned looks on their faces. Lloyd just decided not to look anymore.

A few months ago, Lloyd had a best friend that he would text every single night, this friend knew about his crush on Harumi.


Red: you should really get over her Lloyd, i swear it isnt healthy to stay clinging to him.

Greenbean: its normal Akita, relax.

Red: no but seriously, you have to get over her.

Greenbean: i literally cant, not because of  just feelings but i did something stupid and now i wont ever be able to forget her.

Red: what did you do?

Greenbean: a stupid action that now will never let me forget her even if i wanted to.

Red: just tell me what.

Greenbean: i carved her name into my skin then burned it with a lighter so it will never go away.

Red: Lloyd are you serious, whats wrong with you?

Greenbean: See, i was super smart. 🤣🤣

Red: joking aside for a second Lloyd.

Greenbean: im really smart because i knew that when you burn scars with a lighter they never go away.

Red: Lloyd im talking seriously right now.

Greenbean: okay okay!

Red: what the hell, are you crazy? Do you need a mental hospital?

Greenbean: now i cant forget her because every time i shower or change i see the mark.

Red: Lloyd, please dont do that!

Greenbean: okay okay, relax!

Red: your crazy Lloyd, if anyone else knew what you did they would think your physic.

Greenbean: good night Akita, im going to bed.

Lloyd honestly didnt know what was he thinking that night in the bathroom. He sobbed over his love for Harumi, and Lloyd swears, he never ever thought love could turn this ugly. His mind was screaming at him to just forget her because she's not good for him, and that he hates her because of how she ruined his life.

"I sacrificed a ton for Harumi, and it was not freaking awesome" Lloyd said sobbing.

Dareth chuckles, "oh, what did you ever sacrifice" he jokes.

"I gave everything, i gave my whole life"

"You had a little crush on Harumi and it turned out she didnt like you back"

"Im not talking about my little crush, im talking about my life, i gave my whole life for this girl"

But his heart, that heart that just drives him crazy and makes him feel so much things in life that makes it worth living. His heart screams at him that he loves her, and he always will, so if he betrays her, he betrays his heart, yet the problem is that he doesnt know which one screams louder.

Tragically Beautiful ~ Ninjagoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें