The devil smirked, his eyes shining with a wicked and evil glint. The black eyes got changed into red ones and this made Jungkook weak and fall to his knees.

"He is right... I can't let my human die too early. I have to- I have to calm myself down. I have to-" Jungkook rambled to himself and tugged on his hair.

He has to gain back his composure otherwise he is giving the devil chance to take over his body soon. The Trueblood stood on his wobbly feet and went near the window.

He closed his eyes and soon the Trueblood wolf was separated from his body. This is something incredible that Jungkook discovered during his 14th birthday. His wolf can be separated from his body yet they are connected as Jungkook can see, hear, feel and sense everything through his wolf. In a way, the wolf is like a dummy body controlled by Jungkook.

And because of the spell cast near the castle he- means the devil can't go out. When Jungkook was 9 he sneaked out in anger after his mother asked him to lock himself in his room because he scared the servants. He thought maybe this will make him feel good but instead, chaos was made by the people seeing the cursed wolf, this news reached his parents and in fury, they made the strongest witch cast a spell so that he won't be able to go out.

Jungkook with the devil's soul can't go out but his wolf can. So whenever he wants he can sneak out and enjoy nature which makes him feel serene and peaceful.

This is the only way through which he can give power to his positive side. The big black wolf with shining fur wolf and red eyes jumped out of the window and started running in whatever direction it wants.

In this way, Jungkook finds out about a lot of new places not only in the kingdom but outside of it too. Though when he runs into the forest many people are there who get scared seeing a Trueblood near them but that is something which Jungkook cares less about and ignores.

All his focus is to enjoy his run which he is doing. A small smile formed on his face but that smile states to falter and a frown rested between his eyebrows when he started getting odd but nice vibes coming from somewhere.

The wolf increased its speed and went in that particular direction which was sending those attractive and luring vibes. It was making him insane yet Jungkook was gaining his sanity as the aura strengthened.

He gritted his teeth and after running at its full potential he reached near a bush. He knew that whatever that thing was is besides that bush so he jumped as high as he could and after landing on his feet he went near to the boy who was crouching near the lake.

He got startled because of a new presence and when he turned his head to look at the wolf, he was speechless at the heavenly beauty.

"Oh, you startled me!" The boy with blue hair gasped putting his hand over his chest. He then cackled a little and walk near the wolf.

Jungkook's breath hitched when the omega's scent invaded his senses, he felt nice when that bright aura surrounded him. He just felt surprised yet so good when that omega didn't get frightened of him. At least someone isn't scared of him.

Taehyung was crouching in front of the wolf with a smile whereas that wolf was standing there dumbfounded and stunned.

"Hi~ You are so big, wolfie" Taehyung was amazed seeing the size of the wolf. But what else did he expect from a Trueblood?

Devil's Blessing- a taekook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now