chapter 9

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Jungkook closed the door of his room with a loud thud, anger and adrenaline still filling in his veins.

He is super angry, not with that servant- but with himself and with the situation. He hates how everyone is dead scared even while seeing his shadow. Even his mother tries not to show but is very scared of him too. The way her body shivered when Jungkook tried going near her clenched the Trueblood's heart.

The devil loves this a lot- but Jungkook doesn't. He loathes this whole situation- he hates how everyone is so scared of him even when he isn't the one who is causing the whole havoc.

Jungkook just wishes- begs- the Moon Goddess to remove this curse from him. To give him the life he deserves but maybe she doesn't like him either as this curse is there inside him. For 24 years Jungkook is living with a devil inside him and the saddest part is he can't even do anything.

Having a high sense of hearing he can hear his mother's anguishing pleas every night to make him a normal werewolf - she has to hear all the taunts thrown at her from people, and she has to hear talks against her son from the maids and helpers. And except for asking them to shut she doesn't have any other counter-backs.

His father struggled to answer the ministers who always bombard him with questions regarding the crown prince and how he will get rid of the curse in him. They say if the King couldn't undo his son's curse then he should give the throne to someone else as nobody would agree to have an heir with a cursed soul and if it happens then it will be the end of Jeon's reign. His father might have to give his throne to someone who isn't his son. And he also doesn't have anything to promise except just saying he will find the solution.

Hearing and Seeing all this gives Jungkook only one idea. That is to try to kill himself. If he kills himself then the devil will die too and all this chaos, sadness, destruction and negativity will stop and all would be able to live in peace. He has tried to do so though and has tried to harm himself in any potential way but maybe even God of death hates him as that death never comes.

The devil can heal him within no time, and the worst part comes is that if the devil gets angry, heals Jungkook or gets a chance to do any wrong acts then it gets more powerful and the human inside Jungkook dies more.

So he has to keep himself calm but nowadays the devil can gain dominance often and hurt others. The devil inside him is winning over the human and it will be soon-maybe sooner than his 25th birthday- when the devil will take over his body and would rule the world.

And that is the scenario which Jungkook dreads to even think about.

"Ahhhh, just go from my body. Just go from here. LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE!!!" Jungkook growled loudly in frustration and thrashed all the items in his room here and there. The glasses shattered, picking up the pieces he cut his arms- waited for the blood to ooze out and kill him but as expected they got healed soon. And again death wasn't granted to him.

"Don't try to kill yourself, Trueblood. You know I won't die ever. And by doing all this you are just killing your human side more" the devil took over his body and responded. There are two souls in Jungkook's body, as we all know, and both can take over his mind, body and senses.

Anybody seeing him would say he has multiple personality disorder but in reality, there are two souls inside him which behave as if they are in two different bodies too.

Devil's Blessing- a taekook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now