Pull Ups Or Diapers

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Kathryns Pov
I let Josh sleep for about 5 hours, I hope he is finally less cranky so I can talk to him about his little space.

Ones I got up the stairs I was greeted with an absolutely adorable site. Josh was sleeping curled up in a ball around zero. I probably could have spent hours staring at him and how cute he was but I had to get him up.

Josh's Pov
Mommy is being a meany and waking me up I try to tell here its still nap time but she won't let me get a word in before pushing my pacy back in my mouth.

Kathryns Pov
As I'm waking Josh up I notice something, looks like someone was attacked by the sog monster. I noticed that Josh was probably big again since he blushed and tried to hide his face.

As I change Josh I ask him a few questions. Josh are you a bedwetter?

Josh's Pov
A what phff I am a big boy, and big boys don't wet the bed.

Really mister big boy so this wet diaper your wearing is what camouflage

Yep exactly

Josh I promise I wouldn't be mad if you were a bedwetter, I just don't want to wake up to a crying toddler because they insisted they were a big boy, and didn't wear protection.

HEY, I am not a toddler!!!!

Who says I was talking about you.

I uhmm I you, fine yes sometimes I mysteriously wake up in a puddle.

So yes
Next question are you a little.

I am not little I am tall.

Do you want to stay in that wet diaper of yours all day.

Ahhhhh fine your mean, and yes I might have a small little space of a 2 to 3 year old.

Perfect and finally would you be my little and lliams little brother.

Yes definitely yes, now CAN YOU PLEASE CHANGE MY SOGGY BUT please and thank you.

You will not yell at me in that tone little one after I lay out the rules your going in the corner, understand.


Ok Rule 1 no swearing no drinks other then juice and water, and if you ever try to drink red bulls again your behind will be the only red thing around here.

Rule 2
You will wear what ever I or lliam decide.

Rule 3
Diapers every night and you can choose if your wearing underwear, pull ups, or diapers in the day while outside the house, but while inside or when you're little it is pull ups or diapers at all times.

Rule 4
You will call me mommy when in the house.

Rule 5
Only liam or myself can change your diapers, but you can change you pull up but you must still ask one of us first.

More rules will be added over time, dose that work for you.


Good so what do you want to wear?

Diaper please mommy.

Of course, but only after your spanking for leaving early this morning and time out for yelling at me.

Now don't worry this will be over quickly but I want you to count each smack ok.


Verbal response little one.

Yes mommy

Ok I will give you 10, if you don't count it I will start over ok, here we go.



Little one

One mommy

Smack two, smack fwee, smack f-four, smack fff-five.

Half way their baby.

Smack six, smack sewen, smack eight, smack nn-nine, smack tttt-ten.

Pweas mommy me good boy me no wan spankys, Pweas stop me pwomise me be good.

I'm sorry little one but you have to go sit in the corner still.

Nooo Pweas me be good don mak me Pweas.

Sorry little one I'll be back in 5 minutes ok.

Kathryns Pov
I wanted nothing more then to pick him up and wrap him in a dinosaur blanket and feed him a bottle while singing a lullaby to help him sleep but I must be strong here, the least I can do is warm him up a bottle.

Josh's Pov
Minute 1 of time out
I can't stop cry my butt hurts so bad an an mommy left me because I was bad.

Minute 2 of time out
I deserve to be here I hurt mommy's feelings I'm know better then a bank robber.

Minute 3 of time out
If there are kidnappers dose that mean their are mommy napers.

Minute 4 of time out
Wilson I think we need to assume mommy isn't coming back, we are going to have to fend for are own diaper changes.

Minute 5 of time out
I have been hardened by my time here, I have lifted weights and done my time now I must leave this place.

Kathryns Pov
Times up is my little man ready for a change.

Yes mommy, me missed you me thought you would never come back me super sorry me promise to never yell at wou again.

Good now how about a nice bubble bath before we put you in a nice clean diaper.


Did my little prince slip into headspace.

Wes mommy ok, grab my hand little one come on.

In the tub
Is the water ok little one, wes mommy, good now dose my brave little prince want the watermelon or strawberry soap, waermelon pweas mommy, ok hear we go little one close your eyes and here comes the fire truck whoosh.

Josh's Pov
Mommy continued to clean me being extra careful around my private parts after she cleaned me she let me play for a few minutes well she went to get me a towel, I am Josh submarine pants explorer of the deep depths of the ocean. I spotted what looked to be a giant monster coming right towards me, it picked me up and wrapped me in a soft dino towel and dried me off. Thankfully it was just mommy and not a monster.

Kathryns Pov
I dried Josh and carried him to the changing table, Josh would you like a dinosaur or space themed diaper, after getting no response from him just babbling on about a monster and a submarine, I just cleaned him up put some powder in his diaper area and on his hair (So he smells like a baby) I put him in the dinosaur diaper and and matching onesie with a green pacifier and clip. Hey little one its all ready pretty late how about a movie and then to bed how dose that sound, ok, so my big strong monster hunter isn't so little anymore will thats ok he was a adorable though.

I sit Josh on my hip and carried him down stars to the living room, I honestly am kind upset that he is big again but its probably for the better. I sit him down on the couch and quickly ran back up stairs to get zero for him. After making sure Josh was comfy resting on my lap I put on a movie that I figured he would like (I bet know one can guess what it will be) As Josh started sucking on his pacifier the opening credits for jurassic park started playing and with in 20 minutes we were both asleep.

Hey from now on I will try to do full days as one chapter sorry for all the dinosaur things but they are my favorite so they are Josh's favorite to, also sorry for any and all mistakes and long update. Hope everyone who reads this knows they matter and are important and loved and hope that thier day is going good.

Josh out:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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