Chapter 1 The new kids and some of people's thought of school

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Shrub/Shelby's POV

This was My first day back at school since the incident and I was not upset but I am also not excited or happy about going back "*sigh* Shrub Undergrove you can do this you can go back to school,Right?"

Joey's POV

I have a difficult connection with school and this is my first day of going back to school since middle school and man will it be stressful but hopefully this won't be be like last time...right.

Scott's POV

I don't mind school that much I like learning and stuff I just don't have any friends at all and the only friend I do have is online and my older annoying trouble making twin brother who has already been suspend on the second week of school.

Jimmy's POV

I don't really like school at all I suck at it academy and making friends and the only friend I do have is online. The only thing I am good at is gym and even then I only have a B- I wish I still had my twin sister Lizzie she always help but of course our parents just had to get a divorce I hope this year we might just go to the same school but that is unlikely considering all of the other years oh well I can at least try to have something to look forward to this year.

Katherine's POV

I am okay at school I am really good at making friends and I get a ton of B and a few A every now and then but what I really look forward to is making a new friend and see old ones like my best friend Lizzie and soon to be boyfriend Joel who has had the biggest crush on her since forever a side from those two hopefully finally getting together I also hope to find someone but it's likely I will be friends zone because I always am well hopefully I get to at least see Joel finally ask Lizzie out.

Lizzie's POV

I have always been good at school getting almost straight A and have a crush on one of my closes friends Joel and my best friend Katherine told me that Joel might ask me out this year and if he doesn't Katherine told me to ask him out as well as that this year I am hoping that I get to see my little brother Jimmy I miss him deeply and hope that maybe if I am lucky (which I am normally not) that we go to the same school and we can reconnect and talk about what has happened over the years and see if after all this time if I am still taller than him.

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