[2]: A Rough Morning and Training

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The following morning Orochimaru was woken up by a pounding headache and sore throat. He coughed as he opened his groggy and exhausted eyes. He then let out a sniff as he felt his nose itching and reached for a tissue from the box near his bed.

His nose began to quiver, and his nostril began to flare up. His breath began to hitch as he tilted his head back, nose twitching and nostrils flaring up.

"Aaaaah...Ahhhhhh...Haaaaaahhhh...Aaaaaaahhhh..." He brought the tissue closer to his nose as he inhaled."Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.." He tilted her neck even further back.

His nose continued to twitch and flare up as he continued to inhale. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." He tilted his neck far back as possible as he took a massive inhale close to releasing his sneeze."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH..." 


Orochimaru shot his head forward as he released a loud and painful sneeze into the tissue he was holding, a strong blast of wind, and a large amount of saliva and mucus expelled from Orochimaru's mouth and nose, nearly ripping the tissue.

After a few minutes, Orochimaru recovered from his sneeze and grabbed a new tissue to blow his nose. He sighed tiredly. He was feeling terrible with a stuffed-up nose and a pounding headache.  He sniffed wetly as he rubbed his nose with the tissue when he was done blowing.

He then got out of bed, coughing as he headed to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day and go train his three students, Nawaki Senju, Yuki Uchiha, and Ryu.


Orochimaru arrived at the bathroom and got into the shower after the water warmed up. He sighs as he felt his nose starting to run. The shower was helping clear his stuff up his nose a bit, but he doubted that it would help him feel any better. 

After fifteen minutes, Orochimaru stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, and proceeded to brush his teeth at the sink. As he did so, he noted his eyes looked exhausted. If he knew that he wouldn't feel good today, he wouldn't have told his students they train the morning after returning from his mission.

He then rinsed out his mouth with water and spat into the sink. As he reached for the bathroom door, he felt his nostrils flare up again. Another sneeze is coming.

"Aah...Ahhh..." Orochimaru inhaled, then pressed his fist against his fist as he released a sneeze into It."Haaah-Choo!" 

He shot his head forward as he released a slightly muffed sneeze into his fist. A small gust of saliva and mucus sprayed his fist that was pressed against his mouth and nose. Orochimaru sniffed and rubbed his nose as he left the bathroom.

"Ugh, man, my nose won't stop running and sneezing," He groaned as his nose continued running. "Bad enough, my head hurts, and so tired."

Orochimaru reached his bedroom and put on a purple kimono along with a fishnet shirt under it. He also wore black pants with armor plates on the sides.

As he was dressed, he headed to the front door to get his black ninja sandals and meet up with his team. He was not really hungry for breakfast this morning, plus he was starting to run a bit late. 

"Ehhh-chuuuuu!" Orochimaru sneezed as he finished putting on his sandals. He sniffed as he headed to the downstairs bathroom really quick to get some tissue. 

After grabbing a pack and placing them into his ninja pouch, he left the house to go meet up with his students.


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