"You enslaved countless Alteans. Harnessed their life source for your own personal gain. How many innocent lives did you destroy?" Allura growls out.

"Allura I--"

"How many?" I've never heard Allura sound so angry.

"It's true. Many Alteans perished in my quest to unlock the mysteries of quintessence. But,I protected thousands more and I rescued their culture,our culture. Allura,you must understand, I have given everything I have to plumb the depths of King Alfor's knowledge to unlock the mysteries of Oriande. Please,Allura,we've come too far together. Surely you can see the greatness we've already accomplished. There's still more to come. Join me. We're on the same side." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. After everything he's done,he's begging us to join sides. Allura lets out a frustrated yell and shoots at Lotor. The ships prepare to shoot back,but Lotor orders them to hold fire.

"Allura,stop! You and I hold the ancient knowledge of our Altean culture. We were meant to be together. My feelings for you are true. I know you have feelings for me as well." I raise an eyebrow at Lotor's words.

"You betrayed and used me. You're more like Zarkon than I could have imagined!" Allura snaps.

"What about your father? He may have been a master engineer,but Alfor was too weak to defend his home land." My jaw drops at that. "I'm the one who had to step up and save our entire race. Who are you to question my tactics in bringing peace and prosperity to the universe? Destroy the lions." 

At his words,the ship fly and attack us. Allura flies ahead and heads straight for Lotor,ignoring Lance who tells her to stay with the group. Everyone flies around. One ship flies straight at me,I use the pink lion's wind power to push it back and roll out of the way. The other ship fires at Pidge then at me. I let out a yelp as my lion flies to the side. Hunk yells at Coran to hurry with the repairs. I steady my lion,only to get shot at again,the force pushes me back,almost running into the red lion.

"Don't worry guys,I'm here!" Coran says. The castle moves forward,pushing past us.

"Coran,what's going on with the castle?" I ask.

"We've only got one engine working,so I'm kind of learning to fly all over again." Coran answers. We wait for the castle to move,as the two ships are on the other side. Lotor speaks up again,though it's mostly directed at Allura,who he's still fighting.  

"Once I wipe out Voltron,I'm going to start a new Altea. An Altea that will never know of Princess Allura or King Alfor. Nor will they know of the Lions of Voltron. All they'll know is me,their great leader!" He let's out a slightly crazed laugh. "I'm ready to wipe the universe clean of all my enemies. Voltron,Haggar,and the rest of the Galra!" I pause at that.

"Guys,it kinda sounds like Lotor is losing it." I say. The two ships stop firing and begins to fly away. Seems like they didn't like that Lotor wanted to get rid of the Galra. Lotor flies away from Allura,and turns to the ships. He pulls them to his ship and combines them,to make a large robot with a long tail.

"What is that thing?" Pidge asks.

"He created his own Voltron." Lance and I answer at the same time.

"That is why he used me. I helped him build it." Allura states.

"Well,the good news is it's now five to one." Hunk says.

Lotor flies forward,kicking Lance away. We disperse, he grabs the yellow lion's tail and throws it,the lion hits mine and Hunk and I roll away. The robot is so much faster than us,no matter how much we move,he still hits us. Suddenly,a familiar blue laser shoots him. Allura praises Coran. Lotor pushes back the laser with his own weapon,hitting the castle.

"Impossible! Lotor's weapon has completely repelled the castles attack!" Pidge shouts.

"Coran hit it again." Lance says as we start the move again.

"I can't. That was our last shot."

"Pidge,get out of his line of sight!" Lance shouts.

"I can't! He's locked onto me!"

"I'm coming in!" I yell,flying at her. I push the green lion out of the way,Lotor now firing at me.

"Korra,move out of they way! Form jaw blade!"


The lions eventually lay helplessly in space. The fighting have completely rendered the lions useless. Lotor readies his laser,we wait tensely. Suddenly,something zooms at Lotor,making him power down the laser and stops in front of us.

"Keith!" I yell out.

"How did you get here so fast?" Lance asks.

"I had some help. Now hurry. We don't have much time. On me! Form Voltron!"     


I'm going to be honest,I forgot I gave the pink lion a wind power   

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