Donghyuck - Restored love

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Heyy ik ik I don't usually take this long
I had writers' block from my 'intoxicating love' book chapter which took a while to write.
But I'm here so...
Enjoy :)

Y/b/f/n: your best friend's name.

I had finally settled on a lovely outfit to wear for the party I was going to attend.

My best friend and I had been invited to our friend Mark's party. I was pretty good friends with him and we spoke quite often so it was only natural that I was invited along with Y/b/f/n.

I was applying my makeup when Y/b/f/n barged into the room, scaring the shit out of me.

"Fuck dude!! Knocking would be appreciated" I snarled to which she completely ignored.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I stood up and grabbed my bag ready to head out when Y/b/f/n abruptly stopped in her tracks, a look of hesitation on her face.

"I should probably tell you that.."

"That..." I urged her to continue.

"Thatdonghyuckwillbethere." She blurted out rapidly, low-key hoping that I didn't catch what she said but I understood.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed enraged.

"Oh come on, he and Mark are literally best friends."

"Fuck." You see, Donghyuck is my ex and we had a messy breakup. It happened to be at a party. We were together for about a year and a half and we had a really healthy bond. Unfortunately, we broke up and we've hated each other ever since. Or at least I thought I did.

"I'm not going," I said blankly

"What?! No, whyyy?"

"You know why"

"Oh come on, that was months ago. Please, you won't have to see him, just stay clear of him. Please?" She kept begging me and I eventually got sick of it so I agreed.


Arms linked, we arrived at the party destination which was in an apartment on the 4th floor.

I frantically scanned my surroundings for any sign of Donghyuck and luckily, I didn't see him. I sighed in relief before heading to the counter to get a drink when suddenly, a presence appeared beside me.

"Hey y/n, how are you?"

"Oh hey Mark, I'm good, thanks. You?"

"Yeah, I'm great." We made small talk, occasionally laughing with each other and I was enjoying myself, but little did I know there was someone glaring daggers at us, burning with jealousy.

When Mark left to find his friends, I went to look for Y/b/f/n but my eyes landed on a certain someone, making me freeze. Of course, it was Donghyuck.

I quickly hid around a corner, hoping he didn't see me but I was curious about what he was doing so discreetly, I watched as he sipped on the alcoholic beverage while laughing with his friends.

I tried not to pay attention to him but that changed when I saw a girl approach him and immediately began flirting with him.

I instinctively snapped my head in their direction and midst watching them, an unpleasant feeling bubbled up inside me. It felt very familiar almost like jealousy.

What the fuck Y/n.? You can't seriously be jealous. Is what I keep telling myself, even tho I knew some part of me still loved him. We were together for over a year after all.

I subconsciously watched them but that was until he caught me staring and he looked at me with a slight smirk on his face.

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath and sprinted out of the apartment to leave the building, needing some fresh air.

I looked over my shoulder only to see him following me so I sped up until I finally reached the lift but luck was certainly not on my side today as Donghyuck managed to catch up and enter.

The doors shut and the lift started descending and I cussed under my breath, facing the other way, implying that I have no intention of talking to him, but he spoke anyway.

"Hey Y/n". I ignored him. The awkwardness was killing me and suddenly the buttons became very interesting.

"Y/n you can't ignore me forever-"

His sentence was discontinued as we both gasped in sync as the lights of the lift flickered before the lift stopped moving. I stood in front of the doors and yelled.

"Help! Please, someone open the damn door!" We both called for help as I pushed the alarm button multiple times but both were unsuccessful. I groaned in annoyance for the 10th time today.

"Great!!" I said with a voice laced with sarcasm and slumped on the floor.

"What's wrong" Donghyuck mimicked my action sitting across from me.

"Wha- what do you think is wrong? I'm stuck in a lift with you, that's what's wrong." He sighed.

"Look, I know you hate me-"

"Yeah, no shit." I rolled my eyes.

"Just listen, for God's sake!" He snapped.

"I need to tell you something." My face held a look of boredom as I glanced at him.

"Remember that girl? The one you hated."

"I hate many girls, be more specific"

"Amy." I gritted my teeth at that name "Well, she drugged me that night at the party before we broke up." He had my full attention now.

"She hated you and wanted to ruin your life so she spiked my drink while I wasn't looking making me lose my sense of self. I didn't even know what I was doing anymore,"

"Then Amy came to me and manipulated my drugged self to believe you were a lying cheater and convinced me that I didn't love you." Tears brimmed his eyes as he spoke and all I could do was look at him with sad eyes.

"Once I got sober and remembered what I said, I knew that I'd lost you. No matter how hard I tried to get you back, I felt like I didn't deserve you but I realised that that was wrong and you needed to know the truth."

"I understand why you hate me, but please believe me. I would never do anything like that in my right mind."He was crying at this point.

My eyes started watering and I was trying my best to not break down in tears.

"You said you didn't love me"

"That was a huge lie." I thought for a moment before hesitantly asking.

"Do you still love me?"

"I never stopped." I couldn't hold it anymore so I burst into tears and he quickly pulled me into a tight embrace, holding me tightly against his chest.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I was stupid enough to believe I got o-over you-"

"Shh, it's okay." He caressed my hair softly, trying to calm me down and when it did he pulled away slightly and captured my lips in a soft yet sweet kiss. It felt like old times and at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be like how we were.

As we pulled away, he stared into my eyes, so much love and adoration evident in them before we burst into giggles.

That was cut short when the doors suddenly opened, revealing a repair man.

"Oh thank God" I sighed in relief and stood up, along with Dongyuck who took my hand, leading us out.

As we stepped out of the building, Donghyuck stood in front of me and blurted out.

"Be my girlfriend again? I promise I'll be more careful at parties next time." I giggled.

"Of course, dumbass."


I'm delirious right now and feel kinda high ngl due to lack of sleep 🙃

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