Mark - Together for eternity pt.1

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Hey ya'll
I swear never intend to make some of these imagines in two parts, but they're too long to fit into one soo yeah...
Anyways, enjoy :)

~3rd P.O.V~

Neo city was just like any other city. People lived their normal lives as they would everywhere else and had no worries... That was in the daytime.

But nighttime was a completely different story...

It was an unspoken rule not to leave the house after sunset for all those who wished to live. Why? Vampires.

Vampires were creatures that roamed the streets at night, lurking about on the hunt for food. They'd kill any human spotted outside after the night arose.

They'd drain the blood out of their victim and snap their necks, leaving them to die. When dawn came and people left their houses, they would see the littered bodies of the victims scattered around the city, but as time went on, the amount decreased as they finally realised what was lurking out there.

They took over the city and ruled the night. Even if there was none in sight, the vampires could still sense the presence of a human and immediately appear in front of them and kill them.

Although, None of the vampires got along with each other due to their strong greed for blood and thus fought each other.

Any human to come in contact with a vampire who bites them and drains them of their blood would instantly die. But there was one exception.

If a vampire bites but doesn't drink the blood of someone whom they have fallen in love with, the human wouldn't die but instead, it would bond them, turning the latter into a vampire so they could be together for eternity. They'd be soulmates.

Very few vampires have found their soulmates since they kill anyone they encounter without even giving them a chance to speak.

It's also because everyone was terrified of leaving the house after sunset so there weren't many opportunities. Well everyone except Y/n.

Everyone always told her not to leave the house at night, but did she listen? Of course not. She was careless.


The moment the school bell rang, she rushed out of the classroom eager to return to the comforts of her house after a long day.

As she reached her locker, she got a call from her mum telling her to hurry home. She hung up the phone and placed it in her locker while she collected her books and then proceeded to take her to leave, forgetting about her phone.

She threw my bag on the floor and slumped on the couch, utterly exhausted before reaching to pull out her phone, except it wasn't there.

She got up and searched her bag but in vain, she couldn't. Panicked, she looked everywhere for it but it was nowhere to be seen. It then hit her that she left it in her locker. Great. She thought.

She grabbed her jacket and ran out the door, disregarding the current time of day. She didn't care though. She was different to everyone else and truthfully, vampires didn't scare her.

She sprinted through the dark dimly lit streets but she halted as a presence appeared in front of her.

By the piercing red eyes and shart fangs, she knew what it was. A vampire.

"Hello, darling." The dangerous creature spoke with a smirk on his face.

Ugh. She groaned

"Oh darling, don't you know the human rule?" He let out an evil laugh.

"Yes," she deadpanned.

"So you know I will drain every last drop of your blood until your lifeless body falls limp on the cold concrete." she wasn't intimidated by him.

"Go ahead." Her face held an unbothered expression.

The vampire slightly furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Something about the girl intrigued him. She was different.

"Strange one arent you?" His expression soon morphed into an amused one.

"One of a kind. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go somewhere." She barged past him only for him to reappear in front of her, making her groan in annoyance.

"You have some guts, or maybe you're just stupid." She ignored him rolling her eyes.

"I'm not scared of you"

"You should be, I can kill you in an instant"

"If you were going to kill me then you would have done it already." She deadpanned.

The smirk on his face fell and was replaced with one of bewilderment. Now he was very interested in the girl.

He opened his mouth, about to say something but nothing came out and he just stood there staring at her.

Y/n took that as an opportunity to leave. She walked past him, half expecting him to follow her, but to her surprise, he didn't.

Arriving at school, she entered through a window which was stupidly left open and quickly collected her phone before rushing out.

As she ran back home, she found the vampire standing in the same place where she left him. Now Y/n was intrigued.

There was something about him that was odd. All vampires were said to be cold-blooded, merciless creatures, but this one wasn't like that, she could sense that he was different and surprisingly, his presence was quite comforting.

She approached the vampire cautiously but he was lost in thought and only when she reached him, did he notice her presence.

He held an unreadable expression on his face as he stared at her intently before looking into her eyes.

There Y/n stood, in the darkness of the cold and dangerous night, eyes locked with those of a vampire. Not something you would do regularly. But she didn't care.

She was so mesmerized by his glowing red eyes that were staring into her's that she couldn't tear them away from him. Neither of them made an effort to look away and it was as if they were in a trance, lost in their world together.

She eventually came back to her senses and averted her eyes which then landed on his face, admiring his features. He was very attractive and really hot.

"Go" He blurted out all of a sudden, averting his eyes away from her and she obeyed, turning around and rushing back home.

What the fuck was that?
She was thunderstruck. She had just escaped a vampire which wasn't something many people could say if any at all. She had no idea why standing in his presence had an effect on her, or why it made her feel safe, which was ironic, but she couldn't help it.


The vampire stood there, lost in thought as he stared at the direction in which the girl left.

He didn't understand what he was doing. He didn't know why he felt like that or why he let her go. He felt something strange when he looked at her, and for some reason, it was comforting.

"What the fuck just happened?"


Part 2 👀

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