Mark - Broken promises

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Prepare for some sad shit

I've loved him ever since the first time I met him. His name was Mark.

He was the most wonderful person I'd ever met. He was kind, charming, energetic, selfless and much more. His contagious laughter brightened up everyone's day and his charming personality made everyone smile. He had a heart of pure gold and his soul was so beautiful. 

I met him by coincidence. I happened to be strolling through the park on a warm spring day until suddenly, I bumped into him and we instantly clicked.

We became very good friends. We would meet up regularly. Whether it was going to each other's houses, meeting at cafes, walking through the park or going on trips together.

We spent endless nights watching random movies that we never paid attention to but instead, giggling and chatting about the most random things  till we were having laughing fits.

Over time, I started to fall for him. Everything about him was making it impossible not to love him. I was head over heels for him. But what I was oblivious to at the time, was that he also fell for me, hard.

Although at first, both of us were too scared to confess our feeling for each other, since we both thought it would ruin our friendship.

Except one day, while we were having a deep conversation, I accidentally blurted out my feelings for him.

I was terrified. I pictured the worst, thinking that he would reject and cut ties with me. But I was extremely wrong.

When he told me he reciprocated my feelings, I felt euphoric. I felt like I was on cloud 9.

From there on, we started dating and I cherished every second of it. From our first date and sharing our first kiss to cuddling up in bed, me wearing his shirt, while he planted soft kisses all over my face. It was all ecstatic.  

He told me we'd be together forever. That we'd grow old and die together. That we'll eternally be in each other's arms.

I felt like the happiest person alive. I felt so blessed to have him. It felt like it was me and him against the world.

Until the day that my worst nightmare came true. The day he left me, was the single most traumatic day of my life and there was nothing I could do to keep him with me.

That day, a big piece of my soul left me. I couldn't breathe properly and I felt suffocated. My heart was torn apart as my world came crashing down on me. He was my world.

I dreaded to ever visualise that day. It haunted me at times as I was so terrified to lose him. So scared that I held him so close to me for reassurance that he was in fact, by my side.

But he left. And from that moment on, I knew I would never be the same again.

I was a broken soul. I never really smiled again. I hated waking up every day, only to recall what happened. Everything I looked at reminded me of him, causing my heart to break all over again. I couldn't function properly

It was as if I could feel the presence of his ghost in my room, constantly reminding me of him and all the memories we shared. It haunted me.

I tried months upon months to move on from him but I simply couldn't. I still can't despite it being over a year since it happened.

I still recall what he once told me.
"If you ever lose me, please move on and find someone else to love. Someone who will love you like I do."

But I knew that wasn't going to happen.

I tried so hard to get my life back together, by means of attempting to engage in social activities, hanging out with friends and much more. But in vain, I was still stuck in a void.

We made so many promises to each other that we vowed to keep. He made several promises to me. 

He promised to stay by my side and never leave me. He promised me he would always hold me close to him and never let go. He promised me that we would get married and have a family together. He promised that we'd be together for eternity...

But in the end, when he left,
they all became broken promises.


Kinda short
I was emotional af while writing this 😪

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