Chapter Six: Slughorn's Dinner Party

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"Y/N!" Hermione squealed as the taller boy bumped his shoulder into her causing her to stumble due to the heavy layers of snow.

Y/N giggled at her, tucking his hands into his pockets as they walked down the snowy path. Y/N saw the annoyed look on Hermione's face turn into a mischievous one. He tried to run before she got her revenge but she was too fast. She crashed her shoulder into him just as he did to her but due to him trying to run away, it caused him to trip and fall into the cold snow.

"That was rude." Y/N puffed out his cheeks as Hermione bent down to help him up.

"You started it." She poked her tongue out at him while giving him a hand.

Y/N's pout turned into a cheeky smile as he grabbed Hermione's hand. Instead of using it to help himself up, he pulled her down to him, causing her to squeal and land on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her while giggling. Hermione couldn't hold back her smile, hugging him back only for him to shove snow down her shirt making her shiver at the cold.

"Y/N!" Hermione scolded as Y/N instantly got up and began to run off.

Y/N laughed while running, chasing after Ron and Harry who had already walked ahead of them.

"Harry! Protect me!" Y/N shouted, grabbing the startled boy's shoulders and using him as a human shield.

"Wha-" Harry was cut off by a loud scream.

Hermione had just caught up to them when Y/N instantly got a hold of her hand. In front of them were two female students, perhaps around the same age as them. One of them laid almost lifeless on the floor while the other screamed for help.

"I warned her!" The standing girl shouted towards the quartet.

"I warned her not to touch it!"

The unconscious girl began swaying side to side on the ground as if being pulling by an invisible force. The quartet and the girl's friend could only stand and watch as she flew into the air, hovering for a bit with her mouth and eyes wide open before slamming back onto the ground.

Y/N felt Hermione's grip tighten around his hand as she winced at the sight.

"Don't get any closer!" A familiar half-giant's voice called out from behind them.

Y/N pulled Hermione to the side to let him through.

"Get back, all of you."

They watched as Hagrid lifted the girl into his arms. Y/N pulled Hermione closer to him as a strong breeze passed. Harry looked towards the girl's back that had fallen onto the ground, slowly making it's way over to it.

"Do not touch that, except by the wrappings. Do you understand?" Hagrid warned.

Harry nodded, carefully unwrapping what seemed to be a necklace.


"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?" McGonagall questioned the girl's friend.

"It's like I said." She answered sternly.

"She left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package... She said it was important that she deliver it."

"Did she say to whom?" McGonagall asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"To Professor Dumbledore." The girl replied causing Y/N's heart to drop.

Who else would try to deliver such an object to Dumbledore but Draco who seemed to be acting suspicious when he had seen him in the Three Broomsticks?

"Very well. Thank you, Leanne." McGonagall sighed.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now