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While Louis and the others went into Liam's home office to look at the files we had stolen, Josie and I sat on the couch together. I looked down at my ring and twisted it slowly, as she crossed her arms.

"You need to tell him, Athena. You can keep this from him." Josie said, her voice low. "He's your husband. This is his baby as much as yours."

"I'm just scared, Josie." I replied, breaking my silence and looking up at her. "I'm scared he'll runaway like dad did once I was born and had some answers. I'm scared he'll leave once he sees how fat I'm going to get. All the fears one can possibly have when it comes pregnancies I have."

"Louis isn't dad, A." Josie whispered. "Louis is going to be extremely happy, you know he will be."

"But what if he's not?"

"Stop thinking negative about this, Athena!" She yelled, not caring if the guys could here. "Louis loves you and he will love that baby, too. You need to tell him now, before he hears it from someone else."

"She's not wrong." I heard Liam say in my head, as I groaned, standing up from the couch and walking towards Liam's office.

"Stay out of my f***ing head, Liam!" I snapped, walking back towards Josie and sitting back down. "I can't tell him that I'm pregnant because he'll make me stay home while you guys go and fight Malik and all them."

Josie stared at me weirdly, trying to figure out why that was just a bad thing. "And your point is?"

"This is my war, too. I want to fight, not sit on the sidelines and watch."

"Whatever, Athena. I'm done arguing with you." She snipped, before standing from the couch and walking towards one of Liam and Harry's guest rooms. I stretched my legs out, resting my head against the back of the couch, pulling Louis' suit jacket over me as a blanket of sorts.

"You need to tell him, A." Liam's voice appeared in my head, as I burry my head into the couch, ignoring him completely by falling asleep.



"Two days?" Harry said.

"Two days." Liam agreed, nodding his head slowly. "Two days before this whole world is under attack."

"What are we going to do?" I asked, leaning back into the office chair and sighing. Liam shrugged, running his hands over his face in frustration. Harry kept his eyes locked on the computer screen, his scrolling through the hundreds of files slowly. "I'm knackered and all those codes and files made my head hurt."

"I hear you, mate." Liam sighed. "But we need to figure out what we are going to do."

"We have us three, Josie, and Athena, along with some of the other Team X members." I mentioned. "We can get Logan to help possibly,"

"If you can find him, that is. Your in-law has decided to disappear off the face of the earth once again." Harry announced, looking up from the computer screen.

I looked down at the floor, many of my ideas that I once thought were good escaping my mind. We had two days to form some sort of army before war broke out and we were drawing blanks. All the files were complex and rather lengthy, but that didn't stop us from figuring out the basis of it all.

It was a domino effect, needless to say. It would start here in New York and quickly spread over to the other west coast, before crossing the oceans and attacking those countries. Zayn not only had his army, but destruction bots, too.

It was a nightmare.

"Can we get Kristine to help? She is the daughter of Mystique. She could be of some help." Harry suggested, looking at Liam. "We can get Athena's mum, too. She's an excellent fighter."

"We need heavy artillery. We need a lot. We need people." Liam replied angrily, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"We need the original Team X members," I said, as Liam slowly looked up at me, his eyes locked on me. "We need the X-Men."

"Louis, the X-Men have scattered all over the world. How do you expect to get them over here in two days?" Liam asked. "I can't just locate them all and say, 'Hello, I'm Liam Payne, Charles Xavier's great-grandson. I was wondering if you'd be willing to fight in war that's starting in two days.'" He added, giving me a dirty look.

"You don't need to be sassy about it, damn. It was just an idea."

"I'm just saying. No one is going to want to help us. We are f***ed." Liam groaned, leaning back into his chair and rubbing his hands over face. We were all tired and it was extremely stressful having the earth depend on you. "I say we just.. call it a night." Liam yawned, as Harry stood up and grabbed Liam's hands, pulling him out of his chair. "Let's just be back here tomorrow morning so we can figure this shit out."

I nodded, before exiting the room, only to find Athena asleep on the couch, my jacket covering her as a blanket. I sat on the edge of the couch beside her, before pushing some hair from her face. She slowly opened her eyes, her face filled with sleep. "Hey, baby. We gotta head home."

She yawned, nodding her head and slipping my suit jacket on, hugging it tight to her body. I placed my hand on the small of her back, leading her out of Liam and Harry's, hopping into a cab and going home.

By the time we arrived, I had to carry Athena up to the apartment, seeing as she had fallen asleep in the cab ride home. I unlocked the apartment and walked in, making sure not to hit her head off the door frame, which I have sadly done once before. Once I laid her down on the bed and covered her with the sheets, I kissed her forehead and walked towards our closet.

While I was hanging up my tie on one of the hangers, I heard Athena mumbling something in her sleep. I ignored it, as I took my button up shirt off and tossed it to the floor, my pants following shortly after.

"He can't know." I heard Athena mumble, as I turned and faced her, raising an eyebrow in confusion at her. I walked over to my side of the bed, getting under the covers carefully and laying on my back. Athena rolled towards me, her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and rested my chin on top of her head, my eyes closing slowly.

"I need to tell him." Athena barely mumbled, before silent snores escaped past her lips and she was out the rest of the night. I stared at her for a minute, scanning her face and pushing hair behind her ear, wondering what she was talking about.

What was she hiding from me?


Current mood: eh.

NOTE: Team X and X-Men are two different organizations. The people you know in the X-Men are on group, while Team X is another.

Keep sending in songs for the playlist!

I love you all.

Logan, xx

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