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"Can we just be lazy today?" Louis groaned, pulling my body back down onto the bed and holding me close. I giggled, shaking my head and kissing the tip of his nose. "Babe, I don't wanna get up." He whined.

"We've been lazy the last three days, darling. We should go and enjoy the sun."

"But I'd rather stay inside and make love to you." He replied, causing me to roll my eyes and kiss his lips quickly, before pulling away from his grip and walking towards the bathroom. "Athena." He drug out, making it sound more dramatic than it needed to be.

I shook my head in amusement, before putting my hair up into a bun and changing into my black bikini. I was determined to make Louis go to the beach. We were on Little Palm Island in Florida for our honeymoon and we had yet to step foot on the beach.

It was a shame, really.

"Cmon Louis." I said, walking out of the bathroom and over to Louis, who's jaw was dropped and his eyes were big. I stopped and looked at him weirdly, cocking my head sideways. "Why are you staring at me like that? You've seen me with a bikini on before."

"Not a black one," Louis smirked, sitting up and letting his legs hang off the side of the bed. He reached out for my hand and pulled me to him, interlacing our fingers together. "We are definitely not leaving now." He added, pulling me onto his lap, my legs wrapping around his waist. I shook my head, my arms crossed against my chest. "Stop being stubborn." He laughed, pressing his forehead onto my chest.

"Let's go, Tomlinson." I said, as he lifted his head up and stared at me with a pout. "C'mon. We're going exploring." I added, before getting off his lap and pulling him to his feet. He groaned, before shuffling to the bathroom and slipping his swim shorts on.


"Let me go!" I giggled, as Louis picked me up from the ground and walked us towards the water, my feet dangling underneath me. "Louis!"

"Let's go for a swim, my love." Louis laughed, before throwing himself - and me - into the cool ocean water. When we resurface, I pushed my hair from my face and swam closer towards Louis, my arms wrapping around his neck securely. He kissed the tip of my nose, pressing his forehead to mine. "I'm glad you got me out of the house."

"I'm glad you actually came outside." I joked, as he rolled his eyes jokingly. We stayed silent for awhile, the sound of the ocean moving in time with the breeze playing softly in the background. I honestly could stay in Little Palm Island forever. It was just, peaceful.

"How did I get so lucky?" He mumbled loud enough for only me to hear. I shrugged, a small smirk on my face, as I played with Louis' wet hair.

"I could ask you the same." He smiled at me, before pressing his lips to mine, the familiar sparks and feeling coursing through my body. I pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss and tugging on his hair. He moaned against my lips, before pulling away and looking at me directly.

"We're going back. Like, right now." He stated, as he carried me out of the water and ran towards our temporary home, grabbing our things on the way out. Louis was like a drug; I craved him. I could never get enough of him. His kisses left me wanting more, each kiss feeling like our first all over again.

He's all mine.

Once we reached the house and had the door shut, Louis pressed my back against the front door, his mouth instantly connecting with mine. My arms wrapped around his neck, the kiss become more heated. "Jump." He muttered against my lips. I complied, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his body, as he placed his hands right under my bottom. He carried me towards the bedroom, before setting me down on my back, his hands on opposite sides of my head. He pulled away from me and smiled, his eyes scanning my body. "God, you're beautiful."

"Shut up." I giggled, pulling him down to my level again and kissing him again. He reached behind my back and quickly undid my bikini top, throwing it over his shoulder once it was off. He kissed my neck, nipping at the skin right below my jaw. I gripped onto his shoulders, before we removed all remaining clothing between us. "Louis." I moaned repeatedly, my nails scratching his back and his hands on my hips. I connected our mouths together, silencing his moans.

"Oh my-" He mumbled against my lips, before he fell on top of me gently, his breath hitting my bare skin.

He rolled onto his back beside me, as I rested my head on his chest, his hand running through my hair. "I love you." He whispered, kissing my forehead and grabbing my left hand, his eyes fixated on my ring, as he ran his thumb over the diamond. "You're mine until the day we die, Mrs. Tomlinson, and I couldn't be happier."

"God, you're still cheesy." I joked, before rolling on top of him and kissing him deeply, inaudibly telling him to get ready for round two.


After being force to get up and change into something nice, Louis took me to one of the little restaurants on Little Palm Island. He held my hand tightly in his, my body close to his. Everyone stared at us like we were the cutest think to walk upon the Earth.

Or their stares could be ones of curiosity due to the huge hickey Louis left on my neck that my long hair and makeup couldn't cover up.

"Dammit, Louis. Everyone is staring at me." I said to him, as I used my free hand to try and fix my hair well enough to hide what I could of the evidence. Louis stopped in his tracks, tugging on my hand and pulling me in front of him. I looked at him curiously, as he brought his hands up to hair and pushed all over to my left shoulder, letting my hair rest there. "What are you doing?" I asked, as I tried reaching up and fixing it.

"No, stop," He told me, grabbing my arms and putting them around his neck, his hands wrapping around my waist. "Let everyone stare. If they can't handle the idea that you're my wife, that is our honeymoon, and that there will be some very physical activity throughout are stay here, then forget them."

"But how are they supposed to know that we're married? Sometimes people don't always assume."

"Oh believe me, baby. They know we're married. It's obvious. We're in what my mum calls the honeymoon phase." He explained, as I looked at him and smiled. He kissed the tip of my nose, before grabbing my hand walking us into the restaurant he chose. "I love you." He added, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing the top of it.

"I love you, too."

And I meant it.


So, Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. I'm currently (as of April 5, 2015 1:23 PM) on my way to Pennsylvania to visit family. I hope you are all having a good day. I'm also blasting my music in my headphones to ignore the music my mom is listening to. :)

Anyways, what did you think of this chapter? Do you like the little pictures I add to the chapter? Did you like the chapter? I think next chapter I'm gonna skip to when they are back in New York, so after the honeymoon? I dunno, we'll see.

I love you all very much.

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Logan, xx

Thunder {Louis Tomlinson AU}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant