Part Two

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Amity swished the sand below her with her tail, scaring away a tiny insect who skittered away in response. She fastened her wristbands on her arms and clicked them together, making them hum and chatter and buzz. She couldn’t help but think about the sailor girl she’d seen nights ago, to the maybe-creepy point she had a seagull spy. And yeah, she did feel a little bad about it, but that's how she discovered the general location and thus could reach her via her convenience spell, her shiny gold wristbands, that coiled around her forearm like an overly pretty eel. She took a deep breath and whispered, just low enough for her to hear, “Luz Noceda.”

In a wave of tiny bubbles she exploded from the caverns dark dripping stalactites to a tiny beach that she had only visited once before. The water ran up the shore, embracing the pale yellow sand before retreating back into itself. Amity felt a sense of peace here, matching her breath with the pattern of the sea. She tapped her necklace, and felt someones voice nearby.

“Gotta.. Gotta be there.. But where? She didn’t say.. Goodness Luz, how dumb do you..” Someone ranted to themselves in a hushed whisper. Amity eased her shoulders and looked back to the shore. A sailor with beautiful brown hair and the most hypnotizing amber eyes crept onto the beach. Not in a mysterious way she must have wanted, but in a cute, scared way. As if the beach would swallow her whole in a matter of seconds if she stepped on the wrong shell or touched the wrong rock. “Oh.. pink. Pink? Pink! Yes!” She leaped onto the sand, running for the waters. Amity leaped out of the water, in a wave of translucent blue. She reached for Luzs face and felt warm tears form in her eyes. “Amity!” Luz cried, relief and happiness in every corner of her voice. Amity reached down and touched her head to hers.

“I missed you, Sailor.” Amity smiled and rubbed her thumb along Luzs cheek. The seagull wouldn’t be necessary anymore, once she gave Luz her gift.. She reached for her tiny pouch she’d woven from a mix of abomination clay and seagrass she had enchanted to be invincible.

“Luz.” The human corrected her. “If I can call you Amity, you can call me Luz." She chuckled softly to herself, and Amity couldn’t help but feel her face do wacky things. Her heart was about to leap out of her chest in the best way possible.

“Alright,” Amity chuckled. "Luz."
“Luz.” Luz reinforced.

“Well, Luz, I need to ask something of you that might just sound..” Amity slipped her hands into her abomination bag. She lifted out a tiny sun pendant that was attached to a black string. She had gotten it the same time she’d gotten her moon necklace, but she’s never had someone to give it to. Until now. She thought. Now I have Luz, the sailor girl I’d fallen for the day I laid eyes on her. “Strange.” She finished, opening her palm and revealing it to Luz. The necklaces pale yellow light reflected in Luzs glassy eyes.

“A.. gift?” Luz tilted her head. Amity nodded, pushing the necklace into her chest. Luz smiled and reached for it, but Amity pulled it away for a second.

“Yes but.. I want to warn you first.. Here.” She set the necklace in Luzs hand and with her other felt for her necklace. This is how we communicate underwater. She said, It’s a little strange at first but essentially its like mindreading but not?? Jeez its hard to describe it.. She smiled and looked at Luz, who looked a bit uneasy.

“Woah.” Luz said aloud. “So.. you’re asking if its okay with me? This is so cool, why would I refuse?” She slipped the necklace over her head, and the pendant fell over her chest. “But, will you hear my thoughts all the time or? And how do you know who is who and who it reaches?”

“No, only when you hold the pendant in your hands.” She paused. “That's the cool part, you can hear peoples voices just the same. It also depends on which kind of necklace you use. Some are designed for multiple voices, some are for just ones you want. The first is typically used in schools, and everythings soo loud.”

“Thats so cool!” Luz exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around Amity, pulling her into a warm embrace. “Thank you thank you!” Amity smiled. She didn’t know just yet if she could bring Luz to the ocean just yet, but this was her first step. She couldn’t help but wrap her arms around her. Soon, maybe, She thought, I’ll take you there, Luz, it’ll be perfect. She felt the water rush against her tail, as if it were telling her to do it. She drew herself a tiny magic circle in the air, and reached for the golden chains. Luz must have felt the cold metal against her skin because she jumped back in a yelp.

“Amity?!” Luz cried, staring at the gold chains that latched onto Amity's hands. Amity took a deep breath. This didn’t look good. Luz pulled her hands to her chest and stared at Amity, backing away from the ocean. Amity felt her heart shattering in her chest, its fragments exploding around.

“Listen..” Amity started. “These chains will help you breath underwater because I wanted you to come home with me." She waved her tail toward the water, that spread over the sand below her and waved back.

"A-Already?" Luz stammered, inching a little backward. "I don't know I mean its a little.. Won't I.." She tried to make some kind of argument, and Amity knew she would get absolutely nowhere. She sighed and dismissively put the chains back into her bag, not keeping the disappointment out of her face.

"Its alright." She said anyway. "We can do this next time, or the next. I guess I understand not wanting to be there, too." She thought about Edric and Emira, and her father and, worst of all, Odalia. She didn't want to go home without Luz, but she wanted to respect her.

Luz blinked at Amity and lifted back to her feet. "Next time.. Next.."

"Any Crecent Moon, my love." Amity said. She couldn't BEAR to wait as long as she did EVER again, so to cut that time down would be so much better. "Use the necklace to tell me when, I'll be there. I promise you."

Luz seemed to be happy with this answer. "Great." She stared back at the chains for a burning moment, and Amity could feel exactly what she was thinking.

"It'll be alright." Amity reassured her. "I will wait as long as it takes, love. Even if it takes an eternity." She rubbed her thumb along Luzs cheek, making her giggle sweetly.

"Alright." Luz sighed. "You should get home soon, you're friend must be waiting-"

"Agustus!" Amity yelped. How could she forget? She was SUPPOSED to get something for him! Luz took her hands and set, ever so gently, an unknown item wrapped in fine silk, into her palm.

"Its not good.." Luz chuckled, "But its something for them." Luz met her eyes, calm and amber. Amity took a deep breath and swished her tail toward the water.

"Then I.." Amity turned away. "I must go. Goodbye, my dear." She hesitated for a moment, staring back on the brunette sailor. She felt the water rush against her back and bowed, blanketing herself in the water she knew she'd visit more and more.

Amity rubbed her forehead, back in the cool of the underwater cave. Though, it was an airpocket, the only one in close enough proximity to Blight Coral that she can escape to easily. All her magic jewelry sat on a stalagmite in the far corner, next to a silky royal purple sheet she had found on her travels. She opened her bag, slipping out the golden chains. They sparkled hypnotically in the dim light emitting off the glowing orbs she'd kept here for the many years she'd known this place. As long as it takes. Her words echoed in her head as she set the chains into the pile of gold and silver jewels and seashell charms.

Amity opened the silk wrapping that carried an unnecessary weight in her hands. A milk carton, a small one, empty. She opened the carton to examine the contents, and found an opal. Emerald green. She cringed, thinking about her mother, who had always tried to dye her hair the same color. She closed the carton again. Agustus will like it. She convinced herself. It might go well with his blue obsession. Smiling, she wrapped the silk back around the carton, slipping it back to the bag.

She slipped back to the entrance of the cave, going back into the water, feeling it wave her hair around and seep into her skin.
My love, soon.

As long as it takes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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