Chapter 13 - Collage Classes

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Y/n POV:

After getting out clothes for college last week, I helped the legendaries prepare their school bag. Lmao it's like taking care of children- we were all currently in the living room organizing their folders and pencil cases. "hey y/n! I open the pencil and eraser packets right?" I sighed a little "yes but carefully because they'll fall every—" "damn it fire spirit be careful! Y/n payed a lot of money for these." Wind archer grumbled, turns out Fire Spirit accidentally opened the with too much force and all the pencils were scattered everywhere on the floor. "I got it!" "I got it." Passion Fruit and wind archer said and reached for the same pencil, accidentally holding hands for a split second before pulling away.

"When will you two get along?" Moonlight spoke as she looked at the two "never" wind archer glared at passion fruit a little while picking up some pencils, passion fruit just stayed quiet as he picked up other pencils. I felt bad to him, he hadn't done anything wrong..well that I know of— "come on wind archer, you gotta warm up to him eventually" I said while putting folders and 2 notebooks in his bag. "It's already y/n, you really don't have to. We just have some history together" Wind archer said calmly while glancing over at Passion fruit. There was definitely tension between these two.. "Wait here guys, I'll be right back" I said to them while heading to the kitchen. "How am I gonna make them get along before tomorrow?.." I mumbled to myself. "I can help." I jolted hearing someone's voice "oh shit- sea fairy! Oh thank goodness it's just you.." I sighed in relief "yes, now would you like some help with the two twits who won't stop glaring at each other?" I nodded a little "well I've been looking at your collages website and it says that they'll be doing a trip to a theme park. Fire spirit, Moony, you, and I can go on this trip together for those two weeks while we leave them here so they can work things out." That was a really good idea actually— "ooo yeah! We should sign up tomorrow when we head to collage!" I said happily "yep, now head back to the living room. Passion fruit is leaning onto wind archer to annoy him and he looks like he's about to get hit in the face." She said unfazed "uh oh—" I hurried into the living room immediately.

~ Time skip ~

The Legendaries and I where heading to campus, everyone was heading to their classes while some stayed outside.

"Join our club! We have free cupcakes!" A guy said holding up a tray of them

🎶"I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing some day that you'll be mine~ minee~"🎶  Some girl with a guitar and a beanie on sang

"No join ours! We cook a ton of foods!" Another girl said while wearing a chef hat.

"Hey pass the pot-" wait what the hell??

"Dang this place is colorful, isn't it wind?" Fire Spirit said excitedly. Meanwhile Wind archer looked uncomfortable and hid his face in his scarf. "Yeah..I guess..." wind murmured in his scarf. "Aww don't worry wind! You'll get the hang of it! I know this place kinda well now thanks to being thrown out y/n's phone!" Passion Fruit said calmly. I smiled a little and walked them to the counselor office "okay sense you guys are freshmen, y'all need to talk to the counselor for your schedules—" they looked at me so confused. "Why?" Moonlight asked "well to get the classes y'all want and what your gonna major" 'ohh' was all they said. "Alright so what are y'all gonna major in?" Timekeeper walked up to me "I don't suppose your world has anything about time right?" I shook my head a little "well then I'll major in Forensics! I crime scene or two never hurt anyone" Timekeeper said with a manic smile on their face.. it sent a shiver down my spine...

"Okay, who else?" Moonlight was the second one to walk to me "does your collage offer anything about the stars?.." she softly spoke "yeah actually! It's called Astrophysics! The study of the solar system and the way the universe works!" Moonlight's eyes glistened with joy as I told her. Sea Fairy was the third one after moonlight walked away happily thinking about how amazing astrophysics sounded. "What about you Sea fairy?" She looked at me with a straight face "is there anything about the sea?" Of course- "there's Marine Biology, the study of the sea creatures" Sea Fairy smiled very so slightly "that sounds nice.." "ughhhh" Fire Spirit said really bored "I don't wanna study anythinggg.. I can't just sit in a stupid chair all day! I gotta stretch my legs or something" I laughed a little, same fire. Same "well you could do sports, athletes in college tend to pass the whole semester just playing at their games and chilling out most of the tim—" "bingo! That's what I'm doing right now! Where's your coaches y/n? I need to show these suckers how it's done" he had a mischievous smirk on his face as he looked at the football stadium we had. "I'll show you in a bit" I smiled nervously- please don't do anything stupid Fire spirit..  Wind archer silently coughed trying to get my attention "I'd like to major in art." He said calmly "ooo! That'll fit you Perfectly!" He hid in his scarf more from the complement "thank you. I have a question though" "hm?" "Do y'all have an archery class?" Oh- "well no but we do have an archery club! You could join it!" He looked at me surprised "oh neat" "Y/n?" And finally the last one, Passion fruit. "Yes Passion fruit?" I looked up at him, waiting patiently for his answer. "I'd like to Major in chemistry, it's my strongest suit after all" I laughed a little "yeah, you'll be the top of class too! That's for sure" he blushed lightly and put his arm around me "yep!" I could feel my face heat up with blush, not use to him being close to me at all. "Haha..alright! Go into the counselor's office now!" I laughed nervously and headed to my classes "bye guys! See you during lunch!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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