Chapter 8 - Exploration

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(A/N: lol idea change, ploy with you, wind archer, and passion fruit now- it gave me more ideas-)


Everyone was busy and I don't mean working, like not working at all. I had to keep track of everyone and where they were. Either outside my home or inside, it's like newborn puppies when they're curious about the world around them. They just have to see everything around them, which too some degree was worse sense they're literally gods and could smite me if they wanted too.

Right now here are what they all we're doing

Wind archer is outside and studying wildlife, which is actually really wholesome. He looked at some plants in my garden, looks at birds and squirrels, and just was in aw about it all.

"Y/n? Do you have some sort of journal I could have? I'd like to document my findings here about how different wildlife is than in the cookie world." He looked down at me (boi is tall af- lol you shorter than the legendaries >:D) "oh sure wind! Give me a minute I'll go look for one inside" I walked back into my home and pulled out a box from under my living room couch. I looked threw a few books and eventually found an empty small journal, I made my way back over to wind archer and handed him the book. "Here! This is the only on that's empty, sorry if it's small" he gave me a small heartfelt smile and held the book. "No this will do, thank you y/n." What a nice guy.

• Next was Fire Spirit. What was he doing exactly? Sitting in my backyard pool. Why? Well-

"This is amazing! I can finally be in water and not die!" He said excitedly and laid in the pool while floating. Apparently he actually liked water, he just couldn't be in it in game. Sense he kinda sort of would die if he got in it. "That's good! I'm glad you like it Fire, just don't stay in there for too long" I put a towel near the pool he was in, he didn't even listen he was just enjoying the water with a pleaser look on his face. Kinda like a cat.

• Moving onto Moonlight and Sea fairy, the girlfriends were in the living room together. Cuddling on the couch and looking threw channels on my TV. Eventually Moonlight asked her to stop once she saw an astrology channel.

I walked back inside and looked over at the two, they look so adorable together! They just paid attention to the show or to each other, nothing else if they were in their own little world. Man I wish I had a relationship like that— I decided not to bother them and went onto our last cookie.

• And then there was Timekeeper. She still held onto my old phone, yes I bought a new one— she had kept talking to her lover, Cappuccino, nonstop sense yesterday— she really must love her that much—

"Hey Timekeeper-" she just ignored me. "How are things there my special clock?" A voice came from the phone. "Quite boring if I say so myself, I've been threw some of there timelines and I have to say. These 'humans' are idiotic. They had toxic chemicals in their make up, blimps are extremely dangerous, and they throw waste out into the open. Funny how in the future that causes their demise, along with some internet thing called an "nft" which effects there environment."

Welp never mind, I don't think I wanna talk to Timekeeper anymore-

I decided to go upstairs into my room. I opened the door and chucked myself onto my bed. I put on some earphones and opened up wattpad, and began reading some books about my favorite fandoms. Soon my eyelids felt heavy and closed my was so relaxing...

Wind Archer POV:

I carefully drawn and taped a few samples of the vegetation I've witnessed today near our player's home. It was so much different, everything had so much detail in them..not simple and one colored like back in Ovenbreak. "Fire Spirit, can you believe what this world is like? It's amazing, even tho there are a few ups and downs. The plants and animals are astonishing..everything is unique in there own way. Even simple grass as well." I babbled about my findings, of course he didn't listen. I took my bow out along with an arrow and shot it at the side of the pool. The water spilled out and fire looked around startled. "Nooooo, ugh wind you ruin all the fun." He grumbled and took the arrow out from the side of the now empty pool. "How else was I supposed to get your attention then?" I huffed "I'm still not gonna pay attention." He wrapped a towel around his waist and got up. "Go talk to someone else about it dude"

I let out an annoyed sigh and went back inside with the others. Who else to talk to...I walked into the living room and saw the other three. "Hey Moonlight and sea fairy—" sea fairy then shush me and pointed at the screen. Ah they were watching something together. I made my way over to Timekeeper instead "Hey-" they also shushed me. "Guardian of the forest I can not speak with you at this very moment, I'm speaking with my beloved pastry right now." They literally just said 'fuck off I'm talking to my girlfriend.' I grumbled a little and looked around. Who else now? That's when it hit me, y/n! Of course they'd listen. I looked around for them and made my way up stairs, this must be there room. It was down the hall. I creaked open the door and peaked in. Y/n was asleep. I felt a small smile form on my face. Walking into the room, I pulled the sheets over them. Making sure they were covered and comfortable. "Rest well dearest player..sleep for you humans is essential after all." I pat their head a little and walked out their room quietly, not wanting to wake them.

What wind didn't know was that y/n was awake the whole time, they just had there eyes closed sense they were just enjoying there music.

~ End of chapter 8 ~

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