Chapter 6 - hows the real world?

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~Time skip~

Passion fruit POV:

After explaining the process to our dear player y/n, they put us down or 'the phone' for that matter and went to sleep. Man I need to sleep too. Until I heard someone walking up to me. Great. "And your gonna be nice to y/n, why?" Wind Archer said while gripping onto my shoulder. Ah yes, I knew he'd ask eventually. "Because I can, I don't like being mean to a selected few of people. Like Moonlight and Sea Fairy but you and Fire Spirit I like to be mean and rude too cause y'all are my closest friends." I smiled at him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Which reminds me, would you like to go to the cafe with me?" He moved around uncomfortably "yeah no.." he moved my hand away and walked back into the forest.  "Dang too bad, anyways."

After my little encounter with wind archer I went to a cafe near sandwich cookie's shop. Until I was stopped by an annoying obstacle.

Dango cookie. (It's this —> 🍡)

Hopefully she'll ignore me and move on with her day. "Oh my- Hey! Passion fruit!" Ugh never mind. I heard her run up to and pulled me into a tight hug, which almost made me fall. "What a coincidence that we are both here!" No it's not. "Haha yeah!" I said in a fake happy tone. She giggled and held onto my arm as we walked into the cafe. "Sorry your dreamy eyes must've caught mine" I'd rather carve them out than look at you.

~ after ordering ~

I looked happily at my jello and ate it carefully, man this is good. "You like jello too? Aww same!" It's jello. almost everyone likes jello what do you expect? I nodded a little and continued eating. I need to find a way out of here now- "Hey you wanna order more jello?" Okay. I need to find a way out of here after that. I nodded frantically, cause who wouldn't want more? As long as she's paying, I don't care.

~ back to the real world ~


I woke up after wind archer and the others explained how they were gonna join me in the real world. Wow- my favorite people in the real world?? Sounds to good to be true. I picked up my phone and opened the app, weirdly enough. I wasn't surprised. Just the sight of Passion fruit with a bunch of glass plates and cups. What even happened? I saw another cookie walk over to them and hold out a tiny plate of jello. Oh that explains a lot. He ate it quickly and when he looked over at my direction, they froze up- I don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me but I think he blushed a little? I saw him then get up quickly and run off while the other cookie tried to catch up to him.

I picked him up by tapping on the screen and took him to the lobby. "What we're you doing?" He looked at me and smiled nervously "What? I can't get free food from someone?" Good point. "Anyways, good morning dear player!" I felt myself smile "Call me Y/n" he looked at me and smiled back "Okay y/n! Hey can you pick up your phone for a bit?" Strange- "Um okay?" I picked up the phone. "Sweet! I can see your living room!" He can what- "just as I expected, a little bit of a mess but yet somehow still clean"

"Wait you can see everything in here?" He looked around "well kinda, I can see threw the camera leans and that's about it. Front and back" I have a lot of questions. "Hey if you don't mind me asking, how's the real world?" I thought for a minute. How do I explain this to him. "I mean it's alright, it's not ask happy and rainbows as your cookie world. People are rude, collage/school sucks but we need our education I guess. Global warming, crimes, war, disgusting people. But I guess there's a few things that are nice, we have the internet, YouTube, wattpad, tumblr, and other apps to interact with people. Different types of foods, games and so much more." I rambled a little, as he watched and listened to me in aw. "Sorry if I talked to much" I tapped on him a little, like a small boop on the nose. He laughed "it's quite alright! I actually found it interesting! I would love to see it all soon, if our plan works" I held the phone close and sighed "hopefully.." he let out a small chuckle. "Oh come on, don't doubt yourself or us! We're legendaries! Well except me, I'm a super epic-" I laughed a little "Aw don't say that, your just as important as any of them"   I soon fell asleep while holding onto my phone, I don't know if cookies can sleep but I think he did too.

(A/N/:  lol sorry if this is short-)

~ End of chapter 6 ~

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