"It's okay, Der," she nodded. "Come on, househunting."

"Definitely," he nodded. "And even if I forget Lexie's name...I can just call her Grey."

"Instead of Brown?" Meredith giggled as she walked out to his car.

"I'm usually good with names."

"It's okay, Derek. Messy head and..."

"It's not okay."

"Just remember Lexie is my sister. Grey."

"At least I'll have one down."

"You will," she giggled. "So...are we meeting the real estate agent?"

"We are," he sighed. "And I still have no idea what I want."

"Did you give her an idea? Or is she going to take us everywhere?"

"I think she's taking us everywhere."

"Oh good, it will be fast," Meredith laughed.

"You were the one that volunteered," Derek grinned, leading her to the car.

"I figured you'd know where you wanted to live."

"Well I don't."

"Okay...do you want a house?"

"No," he murmured. "I don't like houses."


"Hmmm..." he sighed. "Don't like those either."

"Oh..." she nodded carefully. "Boxes. You want to live in a box?"

"Hmm.." he shrugged.



"You don't like houses or apartments or boxes...there's not a lot left."

"I just don't know what I want."

"Well...." she took a deep breath, squeezing his arm, "she'll help you find something."

"I hope so."

"What's her name?"

"Oh umm....Wendy? I think it's Wendy."

"You're awful with names, Derek."

"I wasn't always, I swear."

"It's a miracle you remembered my name."

"I...you're Meredith," he shrugged.

"And Wendy's Wendy."

"I know but it's not the same thing."

"Okay," she rolled her eyes, squeezing his arm again as they drove. Usually, their silence was kind of awkward and weird. Instead, this was a good silence. It was a really good silence and it didn't bother her to be sitting next to Derek and not talking as he drove. This worked for them, and it worked for her that Derek was okay, even if he did seem a little bit down. He was probably always a little bit down.

"I'll...you can be the name person," he nodded.

"You want me to remember names for you?"


"How do you deal with patients?"

"I have the chart with me."

"So you stare at the chart?"

"No, I glance down and I usually can fudge it for a bit."
"Derek," she sighed as they pulled up to a house, where a woman in a black suit was waiting in the driveway.

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