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"Help, someone call the police, my baby has been taken." A woman cries out as she runs down the street, feebly trying to chase her stolen car with her baby inside.

Peter was just getting out of his car to go to college, when the mini van zooms by.
"Jeez, someone is in a hurry." He comments to himself.
Moments later the mother comes running and falls to the ground as her legs could no longer move. Tears falling down her cheeks in a messy sob.

Peter runs to her with helpful intentions, "are you alright ma'am?"

"They took my baby, they just jumped into my van and drove off, with her still inside."

"The mini van, that was yours?"

"Yes. Please, do you have a phone? Call the police please."

"Of course." He calls the police and explained that a child had been taken, then handed the phone to the mother, she detailed what the van looked like and everything else.

Peter stayed with her until police got there, once they did she got in the car with them.
Peter was left feeling pitiful, he wanted to help but he left that life behind.
"Is this really the best thing to do?" He asked himself.
He couldn't waste time thinking about it, he had to go to class.

The woman didn't leave his mind, all day he worried if she got her daughter back safely or not. Would they use her as a bargaining option? Or kill her for sport? Or do something far worse?

"Mr. parker, Mr. Parker!"

"Huh? What?" He looks up to see the professor standing in front of his desk.

"Why are you daydreaming in my class?"

"I'm sorry sir, earlier a woman lost her child I called the police for her and they went looking for the little girl, I just hope they found her safe."

"I see, but it's out of your hands. Just focus on my class for now."

"Yes sir."

It was the end of the day, finally, and peter was still thinking about the woman and her child.
He walks to his car slowly, texting wade that he'll be home soon.
"Oh good, you're still here."
He looks up to see the woman standing next to his car, she held her daughter in her arms.
"She's alright." He smiles softly.

"Yes. Thank you for calling the police. They were able to stop the guys without harming anything."

"I'm glad, I was actually worried all day. Were you waiting here?"

"I wasn't here for long, I just wanted to thank you, and let you know she's okay. I could see the worry in your eyes."

"Thank you." The girl spoke softly.

"I'm glad you're safe." He holds out his hand and she gently grabs his finger instead of a high five.
"You're so cute."

"It's her way of showing she likes you."

"Aw, one day I hope I have a little one as cute as her."

"I'm sure you will. Again thank you very much, you have a blessed day."

"You too."
She walks to her van and Peter couldn't help but wonder if Wade ever thought about kids.
Suddenly he was picked up and spun around, he gasped and struggled for a moment until he realized who it was.

"Hiya petey."

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you. Who was that lady?"

"Oh, um her daughter was taken, well more like the guys just wanted the car but she was still in it. The mother tried to chase it and didn't have a phone so I called police and they safely got her and the car back. She came back to thank me." He rambled a sparks note of the story.

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