Diana just picks up the letter and doesn't even answer the boy, but Akko makes a point of answering for the same saying that Cavendish was Bernadette's daughter and with that all of them give a shut up to her and Frank just rubs the back of his head laughing, the Scottish girl opens the envelope, she soon makes a point of reading that letter, getting surprised and not making a question about what is around, she just wanted to know why her aunt found out about her and also why the letter.

"Dear Diana, I never got to see my much acclaimed niece in all these years of life, I can imagine how hard those years must have been, after all that has happened to you and your sister who must be missing, due to this I strongly urge you to come to Leeds here in England to pay your aunt a visit, we have a lot to talk about, especially a rather important matter, I think you should know that when it comes to the character of your mother it is a matter of urgency, but not only that, we also have matters dealing with agreements as well, I think you will love to see what you will have here of agreement for your side, so I wish you to come here soon in Leeds, because I will be waiting along with also your two older cousins who are here very anxious to be able to see you... With all the love and affection of your aunt, Daryl Cavendish.

At that moment Diana even opens a brief smile on her face as she reads what was in that letter and is a little happy to know that her aunt remembered her presence, a little happy to know that she has a family and that family hasn't forgotten her, this way she starts writing a letter of reply to her aunt, already getting a little emotional, this while Frank was talking to the girls and it was noticeable that Marianne and Akko felt slightly attracted to the blonde boy, but the same was just getting embarrassed.

Akko: So Frank, tell us where did you come from and how do you know Diana?

Marianne: Yeah handsome, if you don't mind we'll be here all ears to you.

Frank: I don't know Diana, I'm just a resident of Leeds, who got this favour from Mrs Cavendish, she who asked to deliver a letter unknowingly, but strange to know that one of Bernadette's daughters is alive, I always thought they both died along with their mother, after all that tragedy, kind of no one tells you why all that, I just find it strange how on the way you have these things attacking.

Diana: I'm Daryl's niece, it's a long story what happened to my mother and my sister, it's not something that can be trusted to tell.

Diana was finishing writing and Frank was just nodding his head, still being a little embarrassed with Akko and Marianne throwing at the boy, who was getting embarrassed to be so flirted with by the two girls, the same was just shaking his hands trying to ask for the girls to take a little light and not be so on top of him. Cavendish finishes her reply letter and gives it to Frank leaving it in an envelope together with a stamp.

"Dear Aunt Daryl, I am happy to receive a letter from you, I did not imagine that I could have esteem coming from a relative, given the circumstances in which my mother came to be attacked, I even imagine that you could have some intrigue with her and that is why you do not want to have mine and Hellene's presence around, Anyway, we can talk more when I am around about these agreements and also about the situation regarding my mother Bernadette, for which I want to know what is going on, it seems you must have a lot of experience with this matter. If you don't mind I am going to be a little bit late because I have a more important mission to do and that involves rescuing my sister, I believe that you may think she is dead, but she is missing and I will do everything to find her and bring her back so we can really talk about these matters here in Leeds, I really hope with all the attention that you understand, because it is a very delicate situation to deal with all this. In conclusion I will see you in a few days, I will make a point of visiting the lady in Leeds and I really want to meet more of my family.... Diana Cavendish"

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