Protecting Eddie

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Intro/Summary -- what would have happened in 4x8 if Eddie had actually been raped by Jake? Jamie Reagan knew something was wrong and he was determined to find out what it was and although he'd only known Eddie a few months, he knew he wanted to do everything to protect her
*Rated: PG13/R*

Eddie woke up the next morning in shock. Everything hurt. She couldnt believe last night had happened. She was laying in her hallway as she tried to run to her bathroom but didn't make it. She was covered in blood, bruises and possible broken ribs. She tried to get up but cried out at the pain. She laid back down and took a few deep breaths. When she finally stood up she looked at herself in the mirror and cried. Her face was covered in bruises, she had a bruise on her wrist and when she pulled up her shirt her ribs were black and blue.
After she looked at herself in the mirror she instantly felt sick after and threw up. She was a cop... yet she couldn't protect herself. She had been beaten, and brutally raped. She sat on the floor again by the toilet and just sobbed. It must've been a while because finally she was startled by a loud knock on her door
"who... who's there?" she finally called out
"its just me, Reagan. They said you called in sick? You okay?" Jamie asked
"I'm fine Raegan go away" she said
"you dont sound fine. Just open the door and let me see you, please?" Jamie asked
Eddie struggled to get up but made it to the front door.
"oh my god, Eddie" Jamie said
"yea I got in a car accident on the way home last night. I'm fine, but my car isn't" she tried to laugh
"I.... I dont believe that" Jamie said gently as he went to hold her hand she jumped backward
"I wont hurt you Eddie" he said
"tell me what happened" he said
"you.. your date. Did he do this?" Jamie asked getting furious
"no I said it was a car accident" Eddie snapped
"I dont believe that" Jamie said
"I don't care what you believe. Please just leave me alone" Eddie said as she slammed the door in his face
She waited for him to walk away and she just curled up in a ball on her couch for a while and she just held the blanket and cried.

Finally around noon she got up and stripped off her clothes. She looked at her naked body in the mirror and cried again as she turned the shower water on. She cried for the entire shower. She knew you weren't supposed to shower after an incident like this but no way in hell she'd ever be brave enough to report this anyway.
After her shower she took a few Advil from the cabinet and she just went to bed again. She was shaking, crying and in pain.

       Another two days pass and Eddie hadn't shown up for work so Jamie was really worried. She hadn't called in sick either and wouldn't pick up her phone. He went back to her apartment before his shift and knocked on her door
"who is it?" she called out
"It's just me. Ed, Eddie are you okay? Please open the door" he said gently
"I'm... I'm fine" she managed to say
"Eddie please" Jamie begged
A couple minutes went by and Eddie finally opened the door. He could tell she had been crying by the redness on her face
"Eddie please talk to me" he said
"please" he said as he went to hold her hand
"I wont hurt you please" he said when she pulled away
     She went and sat on the couch and Jamie followed her. He saw her wince in pain when she sat down next to him. She looked scared. She was physically shaking. Jamie went to put his arms around her and she jumped again and looked at him with fear in her eyes
"Eddie relax. Breath. Its just me" he said
"don't Raegan... don't" she said
"don't what?" he asked confused
"please don't hurt me" she said
"Eddie come on. I'm your partner, I would never hurt you. Just let me hold you- you don't have to talk" he said
"it's okay. It's okay" he said as he calmly took her hand
She finally collapsed onto him and he just held her as she cried. Her shaking slowed down after a little while but her breathing was uneven and her heart was still racing. They sat there for a few minutes and she was the first one to speak
"he walked me home" she finally said breaking the silence
"he... he asked me to make him some coffee and I said no" she said
"then... then... he..." she stopped
"it's okay. Take your time" Jamie said soothingly
"he tried to kiss me and I pushed him away- but he grabbed me and slammed my head into the glass table" she said
"I was bleeding and- my heart was going so fast I was screaming" she said
"I... I wanted you" she said
"I tried to kick him and fight and I made it to the hallway by my bathroom, but thats when he tripped me from behind and pinned me to the floor" she said
Eddie was still leaning on Jamie's side and he held her hand and just listened
"he, he touched me. I felt his hands down my pants and I punched him and thats when he sat on me and punched me back in the side, bruising my ribs. I think he broke them" she said
"I screamed I was in so much pain. By this point his hands were back down my pants and he had ripped my blouse" she said
"I was in so much pain Jamie and it hurt!" she cried
"I felt so weak, useless" she said
"I don't know how long he did it for but I blacked out" she said
"I screamed and screamed and no one came" she said
"when I woke up he was gone. My pants were still torn along with my shirt. I was bleeding" she said
"Eddie" he said gently trying to calm her down
"You're gonna be okay. You will be okay" he said
"how Jamie? I... I'm so scared and everything hurts" she said
"well first of all let me take you the hospital" Jamie said
"No!" she snapped
"No, I just... I don't want to leave my house" she said
"Eddie you need to report this. What was the guys name?" Jamie asked
"No Jamie I'm already the laughing stock of the police force. No other man there aside from you thinks I should even be a cop!" she said
"Eddie, he assault you! He, he raped you Ed" he said
"I can't" she said shaking again
"I'll Help you. I'll hold your hand every step of the way. What's his name?" Jamie asked

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