Chapter 5: Midsummers

Start from the beginning

'Skylar Felicity Cameron!' Ward yells pushing me towards the car door. 'I'm sorry Luke, she's just a little upset about her friend being thrown in jail'. Luke death stares me before taking a step closer in my direction. 'I can parent my son, however I see fit and after this stunt that he's pulled, he is going to get a long and stern talking to' Luke says before walking past us to the door but I knew what that meant. He was going to beat JJ. 'Dad, please let me stay, I NEED TO SEE JJ WHEN HE GETS OUT' I say but he pushes me into the car. 'No Skylar, your going home and getting ready for midsummers' Ward says. 'PLEASE DAD, HE'S NOT SAFE WITH LUKE' I plead but my dad just shuts the door in my face. I attempt to open it, only to find that he had put on the child lock. I was stuck. 'Please be ok JJ' I silently pray as Ward turns on the engine and we drive away.

Time skip

I let out a sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. Rose's hired hair stylist had just finished doing my hair, apparently I needed my hair done because and I quote 'it is way to knotted and gross for midsummers' so here I was. The hairdresser just enhanced my hair and as I ran my fingers through it it felt so soft, definitely the softest it has ever been. As I stared at myself in the mirror the door opened and my brother walked in. He wasn't fully dressed, he was just in his blouse and pants. 'How's Pope, he recovered yet' he asks and I roll my eyes standing up from my seat.
'Why are u being nice to me Rafe, your a bad guy remember' I remind him. 'Yeah but its Midsummers, we're expected to walk in together as a family remember, a perfect happy family' Rafe says.
'Yeah sure, anyway Pope's recovered but thanks to your boy Topper, JJ is now in jail trying to get $30K to pay back' I lecture but Rafe just smiles.
'Well looks like everything worked out, I was just checking to see that Shoupe did his job and it looks like he took the wrong guy but honestly your boyfriend being in jail sounds much better' Rafe says I feel my hands scrunch up into fists and I loose it.
'What the fuck is wrong with you Rafe, you ruined a guy, a guy I care about a lot's life, I don't know what's happened to you, one minute your being a supportive big brother, who supported me and covered for me when I would sneak out to hang out with John B and JJ and the next minute your beating those same guys up' I say. I know its hard to believe but Rafe was nice once.
'Well we've all changed to some degree haven't we' Rafe says motioning to me before walking away, leaving me alone in my room. I shake my head and head downstairs after him to get myself something to eat before I got dressed.

'You're not dressed?' I hear Wheezie say and I step into the kitchen to find Sarah sitting at the bench, still dressed in her sweats as well. 'No, I'm not going' Sarah tells Wheezie. 'I mean, it's Midsummers. You've been talking about Midsummers since last year. You have a date, remember?' Wheezie reminds her.
'Sky do you have my headband?' Wheezie then asks and I nod passing her the fancy headband that I was holding.
'Yes, I remember' Sarah grumbles and I chuckle. 'I wish I wasn't going' I mutter as Rose walks in. 'Sarah says she's not going' Wheezie dobs while Rose chuckles. 'The hell she isn't. Your father is being coronated as Guardian of Knights of the Rhododendron. You're going' she says before turning to me. 'You both are'

'You're not my mother' Sarah tells Rose and I raise an eyebrow. I knew Sarah hated Rose. We all do but she had never really properly stood up to her like that before. 'We don't have to do what you tell us' I tell Rose. Sarah whips her head around and looks at me with a very very small smile. What was going on with her.
'Whatever' Rose complains as Ward walks in half dressed. 'Your daughter says she's not going and your other daughters not dressed and being a pain' she then dobs on us.
'Um...' our dad says before sighing. 'She's off Topper, JoJo' Wheezie says exposing Sarah whose mouth drops open and I almost choke on my water. 'Wheezie, please. Go. Thank you very much'
'What's goin' on?' Ward asks us, but mainly Sarah.
'Well I don't know where my best friend is' I remind my dad who just shakes his head in frustration.
'We're not going to get into that, we've moved on' he tells me.
'I just... don't feel like Topper is my splinter bean' Sarah says throwing a pouting look towards our dad.
'I don't know exactly what that means but-' Ward starts
'Sounds to me like you should probably dump his ass' I say finishing his sentence.
'Sky, go upstairs and get ready' Ward says and I shrug my shoulders before heading back upstairs to finish getting ready.

The Heart of a Pouge - A JJ Maybank love storyWhere stories live. Discover now