Chapter 10- "Damn it, Peter!"

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Everyone was sitting at the table, drinking their cup of coffee. Gamora and Peter smirking at each other, thinking they knew why Lianna and Rocket weren't up yet. And just then they heard a door slide open.

It was Lianna, walking towards everyone in her light, blue robe with damp hair.

"Well, good mornin', sunshine." Peter said, smirking as he sipped from his cup.

"Well, morning to you, too." Lianna said, going to the fridge. Peter and Gamora looked at each other with smirks, Lianna noticing their strange behavior.

"So, since Rocket's not up yet, I got somethin' really important to tell you guys." She said, pouring the milk into a cup.

"You guys bang?" Peter blurt.

Lianna's eyes shot wide open, her cheeks filled with milk like she was gonna spit. She covered her mouth with a fist and swallowed down the milk, a gasp for air shortly afterwards.

"What!? N-No, I mean, u-uh...fuck." She blushed and rubbed her neck, looking away from them. Peter's grin just grew bigger.

"Oh, ho ho! Grabbin' some action already, aren't 'cha?" He teased. She just looked at him without turning her head and growled, sounding almost like a creature.

"Wow! Easy there...tiger." He grinned wildly. She turned her head and narrowed her eyes, purple starting to flicker in her irises.

Gamora quickly noticed and wacked Peter upside his head. "OW! What was that for!?" He yelled.

Lianna just closed her eyes and ran her finger through her hair, opening them back up to look at them with a little smirk. "Ok, take it easy, we still need this douche-bag for sumthin'."

"And what's that?" Drax asked.

"Ship, music, somthing else." Lianna said with a giggle. Drax chuckled, Gamora too.

"Hardy har har." Peter said sarcastically. "Now didn't you say you had some news for us?"

Lianna quickly went back to her serious mood. "Yes, but you CAN NOT tell Rocket about it." She said.

"Why?" Gamora asked.

"It's because... they found us." Lianna said, looking down at the counter.

"What d'ya mean, Lianna?" Peter asked, for once feeling concerned about his new teammate.

"That Science Control, the ones who...made Rocket." Shock quickly filled everyone's faces. They've heard Rocket talk about some group of people who made him during his drunken rampages, but not specifically who did.

Everyone just got closer to Lianna as she walked around the counter and sat at the table, waiting for her to continue. "How did they find you?" Drax spoke out.

"It was this morning, back on Earth." She begun. "I was layin' in bed with Rocket when my visual communicator went off. I got up and took it to the kitchen to answer. I answered it, and I saw that same damned scientist that was the head of the program of Rocket's creation. He said he found me and was coming to take Rocket, Groot, and I back. He said he was coming for us, and he ended the call. I was filled with fear and horror, and I did the only thing my mind was telling me to. I stole half my dad's stock from the basement and loaded it all in my room, and drove us far away from Earth. We're just inside the line of an unknown space quadrant, meaning if we flew out west, we'd be back on the map. Later when Rocket woke up, I accidentally broke my communicator from the fear of him finding out, and found a GPS chip in it. And that's why we're out here in space, instead of at my house."

Lianna crossed her arms around her chest, looking away and letting the information she told sink into the other's minds. She felt a hand on her shoulder, looking to see it was Peter.

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