Chapter 5- Camping Out

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It was getting dark now. Everyone loved the ramen noodles, especially Drax. He said that it was something he never tasted before and because it was chicken flavored.

Lianna thought of just camping out outside, but some of the others questioned that.

"Why 'camp out' when you have a ship to sleep in?" Gamora asked, following Lianna and others to a hill.

"Because it's fun to sleep under the beautiful night sky." Lianna said.

"I am Groot. (I think it would be nice to sleep under the stars, Lianna)" Groot agreed. He caught a glimpse of a firefly and reached out to touch it.

"I think it's nice too, Lianna." Rocket agreed too. He thought if he tried doing the same things she was doing he would have a better chance when he asked her something special.

"Well, I'm glad two people like the idea." She said, reaching a tree on the hill. "Because there's another reason I wanted to camp out here." She pointed to the cluster of lights far from the hill. Everyone looked in awe of the sight.

"What is it?" Drax asked, fantasized by the sight of the lights.

"It's the view of my home town." Lianna said, seating herself against the tree. "I've always loved how the town and starry sky came together in one beautiful landscape."

"Wow." Rocket said, amazed by the view. "Who knew Earth had some beautiful perks." Lianna giggled a little and grabbed Rocket around the waist, pulling him down to sit on her lap. Rocket blushed like crazy, thinking for a moment, his member came out of its sheath.

"We should just set up a camp right here!" Peter said, patting the tree.

"I thought you would say that." Lianna smiled. She set Rocket aside and climbed up the tree.

"Be careful!" Rocket warned. Everyone looked at him weirdly. "What? Just keepin' her safe." He blushed. Suddenly a dome of red hair formed around everyone and the tree.

"Hey, Groot! A little hand?" Lianna called. Groot nodded and sat against the red wall of hair. He stretched out his arms around the dome, spreading out branches to hold the dome together. Lianna then climbed back down, clapping the grime off her hands.

"Lianna!" Peter said amazed, "I think you over did yourself now."

"Nope, this is..." Lianna tugged down on her hair and four hammocks fell down, perfectly weaved in a criss-cross pattern.

"Wow!" Peter looked at one of red hammocks, feeling how soft and silky it was.

"Won't it pull on your hair and hurt your head by doing that?" Gamora asked, watching Peter goof around on the hammock.

"As long as I tie it off." She said. "When I tie my hair around somethin' , it takes all the stress for me." She made her hair close in on Peter, trapping him in. Peter panicked a little, until an opening formed, and he realized the hammock turned into a floating pod.

Peter was like a little child again. "Could you turn it into something squarish?" Peter asked. Lianna giggled and formed her hair. It almost looked like a square booth with the small counter.

"I can see he likes it in that childish way." Gamora said, paying no attention to him.

"Well, we all have a little childish side in us, Gamora." Lianna put her hand on her back and showed her to her hammock. "And I can tell you like somethin' a little royal." Gamora's hammock formed a little roof and curtains hung from it.

"Go on, try it out!" Lianna gave Gamora a little push. Gamora looked at her, whose smile was saying 'I know you'll love it'. Gamora sighed and climbed into it. She was surprised how relaxing it felt. Lianna gave a soft giggled and went over to Drax.

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