Chapter 8- First Date

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After the fighting and Lianna going flirty over the cologne, everyone finally calmed down. Peter though got a couple of whippings on the back of his head a couple of times.

"Damn you, Lianna." Peter mumbled to himself. He opened the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. "Why couldn't she just let Gamora at least hit me once?" He grabbed a towel and wrapped up the ice pack, laying back in the pilot's chair.

He groaned when he laid the ice pack on his head. I can make it, he thought to himself. I just gotta keep myself busy, that's all.

Just then, the sound of Lianna laughing filled the room causing for a headache to form for Peter.

"I can't believe you tried talking to a raccoon!" Lianna laughed out. She bent over, holding on to her gut from laughing so much. Rocket just growled at her and sat down by the table.

"It looked just like me!" Rocket yelled. "So I thought 'hey, why not talk to it', but APPARENTLY they don't speak english!"

"Would you stop yelling!?" Peter said.

"Sorry." Lianna said. She looked at the clock and shocked realization fell upon her face.

"What's wrong, Lianna?" Rocket asked.

"I just forgot, I was gunna help my dad with somethin'." She said, rushing to grab her leather jack and satchel. "No trouble while I'm gone, ok?" She asked Rocket.

"I promise." He said, standing up on the chair.

"Good." She said, quickly laying a kiss on his cheek. "Bye." She waved before going outside.

Rocket just sighed and sat back down, thinking of maybe doing something special for her when she got back.

"Oh ho ho, Rocket bein' a lil' mama's boy now, huh?" Peter deviously asked.

"W-What?" Rocket didn't know what he meant.

"Dude, she just KISSED you!" Now he knew what he meant. He drew his ears back and snarled at him.

"None of yer business, Peter!" Rocket got up and started toward his room.

"Wait a minute, Rocket!" Peter got up and ran in front of Rocket. "I don't mean to nosey but-"

"Your always nosey!" Rocket interrupted. He walked around Peter, but ended up blocked again. He just growled at him now.

"But, I wanna give you some advice! For a date!" This caught Rocket's attention.

"Why would I wanna take her out on a date?" He asked, regretting having ANY advice from the guy who couldn't keep a girlfriend for a week.

"A date is like a ritual of declaring her as yours! You can also do that with sex, but that's if you've been with that person for a while." Rocket knew Peter was getting a bit off track now. "But what I'm trying to say is that you have to take her out on at least one date."

"Have you ever went a date?" Rocket asked, crossing his arms.

"Um, no." He plainly said.

"What?! Then why do I have to!"

"Because you get to know more about that person."

"Then why don't you ever do it!"

"Because I just go for the hot ones."

Rocket 'hmph'ed. "Well then, I'm makin' the RIGHT decision." He walked off to his room.

Peter just smiled and put his hands on his hips. "That's my boy."

-Time Skip-

As soon as Rocket's door closed, he ran for the dresser. He rummaged through the few clothes he had; looking for something nice. He finally came upon a tux that he bought from the last bounty hunting.

You Are My Sunshine (Guardians of the Galaxy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora