8. Falling for you

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After a great weekend we were back to university.
As usual I went to the corner of my street where Mew was waiting for me.

"Baby, stop the car. We are entering the university gate" I almost shouted
"Of course" he smiled at me

"Huh? Oh right. I forgot that we don't need to sneak anymore" I realised

Mew parked his car and both of us got down together. He proudly held my hand.
I was getting nervous with the attention we were receiving but it was all worth it.

I sneaked a glance at him. There it was. His million dollar smile.
Smile that made me fall for him.

I had seen that smile for the first time in cafe.

That day was a weekend and I was craving for some coffee. I had heard about this new place on the other side of the town which was getting pretty popular.
I went there by myself to check the place out. It was there that I saw Mew smiling for the first time . He was serving the customers.
I couldn't get my eyes off of him. I had seen him before as we were in the same university but this Mew was different.
Mew from the university was stoic and cold. This one was angelic.
I entered the cafe and took seat. My eyes still following him.
He took menu card from counter and came to my table.

He noticed that I look familiar however he treated me just like any other customer.

"What can I get for you?", he asked politely


"Sure", he went away to place my order

That week I tried to talk to him in the university but he refused to acknowledge me at all. I was disappointed so I decided to visit the cafe again.

"What can I get for you?" He asked me politely with that angelic smile

I gathered all my courage and asked him,
"Aren't we from the same university? "

"May be we are" he replied with a little annoyance

"Then why wont you talk to me in the university?"

Mew dint answer
"Shall I get you cappuccino?"

I didn't pry further and just nodded to him.
" cappuccino coming up",  he smiled and went away to place my order.
I could not stop myself from visiting him every weekend.
Mew was a rich brat. He did not care for anyone but his people. The cafe belonged to his favourite brother, Tong.

Tong wanted to follow his passion, do something on his own and without help from his family which Mew appreciated a lot.
Mew looked up to him.
Mew would always be available to help his favourite brother at the cafe.

I was falling harder for him. I became a regular at his cafe. Watching Mew work and be silly to entertain his customers.
Why is that smile for everyone to see. Can't I just have it for myself alone. I didn't realise I was pouting.

"Is something bothering you ?", I heard the softest most loving voice.
"I asked,  is something bothering you?  You  are pouting.", Mew asked again sitting down next to me

My heartbeat started racing. It was the first time he was so close to me
"Nn... No. I am ok," iI stuttered. I looked away from him and hurriedly took a sip of my now cold coffee. My hands were trembling.

He chuckled, leaned closer to me and cleaned the coffee moustache from my upper lip with his thumb.

My heart skipped a beat.
"So messy",  he chuckled again

I was in such a trance that I blurted out, " I love you"
I immediately realised my mistake and shut my mouth with my hand

Mew was shocked. His eyes widened at my sudden confession and he started laughing hysterically.

I cursed myself for a making such a fool of myself in front of my crush. I was behaving like a teenager with no control whatsoever on my actions.

As I was sitting there embarrassed, I heard a very muffled"I love you too babe." He was still laughing.
I looked at him questioning if he was joking.
"You are too cute" he said pinching my cheeks

Now I saw smile of an angel
It was so genuine, so mesmerising. It was different than before. There was a sparkle in his eyes and those lips. I couldn't take my eyes away. His face turned shade of pink. Was he blushing?

"My shift gets over in an hour. Will you wait for me ?", he asked when he calmed down a bit.

I eagerly nodded my head

Mew went back to his work. I sat there smiling to myself like a fool

An hour seemed like an eternity
"Let's go babe",  Mew beckoned
My ears went red hearing him call me babe for the second time

It's been 2 years since then. Our relationship has grown.
It had become a routine for Mew to pick me up and drop me near our university gate and then walk our separate ways. No one would suspect that we are together.
Evenings,  I would spend time with him at his condo and weekends at brother Tong's cafe

Mew had become way more clingy to me. But we maintained our distance whenever we were in cafe or public places. He hated that he could not claim me in front of world.
Every time a girl approached me in the university Mew would go crazy loving me at his condo.

Recently Mew could not handle his  jealousy at all. There were so many who approached me as I never denied being single.

But not anymore.

I am his and he is mine. My parents still don't know about us. I need to figure out how to break it to them.

Until then, I am going to enjoy this moment.

Who misses seeing them together?

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