3. Beach house

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for
voting and reading.😊 It made my day.
Second - My apologies for not uploading
any chapters since  last 2 weeks From  now on promise to upload one chapter every week

Enjoy ☺️ !

Everyone was already at the table arranging the lunch. Boat and Champ were busy arranging the plates

Mild was pretending to arrange the table when he heard the door of my room open. Mild was shocked to see Mew
" why are you here ?" Mild almost screamed

Everyone turned towards mew and me.
"Ow there you are! " Kaonah said

Mew was back in his mean personality mode. As usual he ignored everyone in the room and made his way to the table.

I too followed him towards the dining table keeping my head low so that I don't have to answer Mild's questioning eyes.

" everyone you know Mew from our university" Kaonah introduced Mew to everyone. Not that he needed any introduction. Everybody knew not to mess with him but they were confused as to what was Mew doing here with them.

"Mew is going to let me play in his band" Kaonah added proudly

And that is how he got invited to this trip.
A small smile crept through my lips as only I was aware how Mew played poor Kaonah.

My eyes met Mild's and I could feel the tension. He was worried for me.

"Food is ready", Boat said and just started eating without waiting for anyone else.

"Do u like anything beside food", Champ teased him

"Leave me and my food alone Champ!" Boat warned him

We all chuckled and sat on the table
Mild quickly sat on the seat next to Mew.

This annoyed Mew and he was throwing daggers through his eye.
I looked at Mew apologetically to calm him down.

Mild leaned closer to me and whispered, "Gulf are you ok or do u want to change your roommate"

The proximity between Mild and me was too much for my boyfriend to handle. But he couldn't yank Mild away from me.

"I just want to eat " I whisper yelled at Mild.

Mild was confused but he could see the rising tension between me and Mew now.

"Let's hit the water guys", kaonah said and we all agreed
I heaved a sigh of relief thinking that the things would be a little better now.

But how wrong I was!

Boat and champ held my waist and pushed me into the water
Mew could only glare at them. Other boys just assumed Mew was just being himself.

Mew glared at anyone who touched or played with me.

Every time Mew tried to hold my waist Mild would butt in and pull me away from him

Mild was innocently thinking that Mew wants to hurt me and so he was acting like my knight in shining armour

Poor Mew couldn't help but only get jealous and pout.

This went on for a while till everyone was tired and decided to get out of water and have drinks.

Mew and me were heading towards our room to get changed but mild pulled my arm telling me that he had to say something to me

"You go ahead mew, get changed first gulf will follow" Mild said to Mew

Mew glared at me and stomped out of there

" Gulf, you can switch rooms with Kaonah
You don't have to be so uncomfortable" Mild said to me

I knew where this was coming from but I could not declare our status to to my friends . Yet.

"It's ok mild. don't bother so much I can handle it", I said to Mild
"Are u sure?"

I nodded my head with a smile
Mild was not convinced.

We were enjoying barbecue and drinks in the backyard prepared by Boat and Champ
Kaonah was playing his guitar to impress Mew. Champ and Mild were drunk dancing.

Mew was not having a good time at all.
Every time he would get closer to me Mild would come between us.

Until, finally, he gave up and sat in a corner , away from me with his drinks.

Now, I felt pity for Mew. I promised myself that I will make it up to him. Besides I wanted to be him so desperately.

I typed on my phone
Me : follow me in 10min
Baby: whatever you say!

"I am calling it a night guys" I yawned and wished good night to everyone
Mild was too drunk to stop me from going to my room

Mew looked at me until I disappeared into the house

Hmmm 🤔.. how are you gonna make it up? 😜
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