13. Project RAM (Part 3)

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"Don't move a single inch, I'm coming up there."

Before I could protest Ratchet shut the comm link off to prevent me from speaking any further. I panicked in my helm as I held the sides of my faceplate, Bulkhed picking up on my stress but stayed quiet.

Ratchet barred my mind as fear overtook me. I knew about the Doctor's run-in with the warlord a few months ago from him mistakenly telling me one night. I also found out Ratch almost offlined that day within the steel Decepticon's grasp. If he was hyped up on that synthen slag and still almost offlined, then Primus knows what would happen without that boost present day.

The shadows were not shadows anymore as the two cunning mechs swung through the corridor, rounding the corner as they both slowly walked down the hallway. I listened in.

"I don't positively know why they are attacking! We've been dormant for weeks now, not even prompting a battle to begin with!" A red mech whom I've never seen before spoke up to the Decepticon warlord on his right.

"There's always a reason to fight with Optimus." Megatron said coldly, dismissing the shorter mech below him. "And we're about to find that out, aren't we?"

"Well, yes." The red mech nodded his helm. He also held some sort of weapon.

As the two of them walked down the corridor their conversation became more and more inaudible to hear. Soon they were gone completely, and when I deemed it okay I stood up and helped Bulkhead out of hiding. These neatly placed boxes and energon cubes were a lifesaver.

"Optimus, Megatron is heading your way." I commed quickly, my digit leaving the button as fast as I sent it.

As both the ex-wrecker and I started to pave our way out through the boxes and whatnot, the loud clank down that same hallway had us diving again for our hiding place in a mere second. I deemed it too late, drawing my blaster to the new approaching shadow. Bulkhead was behind the boxes but followed me in our fight or flight situation.

With a battlecry we both started to shoot the figure that just turned the corner, stopping as soon as I saw the bright orange paint. Ratchet stood there panting with every tool and weapon on standby, blocking the bullets and blasts as he looked at us with his optics.

I looked at him wide-eyed as I had no words. He understood and nodded, putting everything away once he knew it was okay to do so. I quickly shushed him, gestering to the end of the hallway even though I knew the other two were gone.

"They're heading to Optimus." I said to the mech, stopping him as he went for his comm. "Don't, I already warned him."

Bee appeared behind him, also with his guns out. They must have found another entrance in or something. He put them away once he saw the coast was clear.

"Okay Bee, go do your thing. We'll be fine. We don't have much time." I explained, the mech buzzing as he ran off to go find Soundwave. The rest of us chose to go left, running down to the lower deck.


"Go!" Optimus waved to the other two Autobots fending off vehicons of every kind. Wheeljack looked at the mech puzzled, tilting his helm as he slashed yet another helm off.

"There ain't no way we're leaving ya, prime!" Wheeljack yelled to him on his and Arcee's behalf. His swords were quite busy alright, meanwhile Arcee was definitely putting all her skills to use as well. Athletics, blaster ability, hell, even her arm blades.

Megatron entered the battlefield now, calling off every remaining Vehicon out there to halt. All of the 'cons stopped at the battlecry-like growl, moving quickly to pile up behind the gray mech instead.

"Optimus." Megatron said as he narrowed his vision to all of his dead Vehicon troopers scattered all around them now. "Looks like you've been busy." He snickered. "What are you trying to acomplish this time?"

"You have something of mine." Optimus said under his battlemask. "And I have come to collect it back."

Megatron raised an optic ridge at the unexpected words. "I...I beg your pardon? Something of yours? Oh Optimus, you have to be more specific." He showed his pointy denta to the crowd, forming an even scarier smile than before.

"The book of Arcana Vast. I know you have it, you stole it from me from my young archivist days."

Megatron batted an optics. "Oh? Well it appears you have a marvelous memory. But tell me Prime, why want it all these years later? What makes you think I still hold this book you talk about?"

"Because it was important to you. Only a Prime can see the true words written down. I studied it for years, and now that I have advanced I can see the true inscribed words written by Primus himself. You cannot, for you do not have the vision of a Prime."

Megatron snickered, growing angry as his patience ran out. Soundwave commed him with current information about the ship and the Autobots within it. That damn mech was always two steps ahead of everyone else. "I will be able to see those words one day! Mark my words Optimus." He growled, pushing his digits to his helm as he thought.

"Your words mean nothing." Prime spoke, in which was the match that set off the firework.

"You think I don't know about the Autobots on my ship looking for your book? Think again. They'll be dead before you can get to them." Megatron said with hatred. He, along with what was left of his large crew, charged at the three Autobots. Some of them, including Knockout, ran back to the ship. Optimus deadpaned, having to now think about how to get the Autobots off the Nemesis safely.

"All of this over a BOOK?"  Wheeljack said to the other two louder than he should've. Someone forgot to fill him in on the projected lie Optimus had to make up to hide the true mission, but they got bigger problems to worry about.


Bumblebee commed me saying he got to the communication room okay, and that he himself was also okay. I replied fast, closing the comm quickly as I heard the doctor call for me.

We were right, the lower deck did indeed hold the medbay. that's where we decided to look first. Where else in this ship would the cortical psychic patch be anyways?

The three of us split to scout out the entiretly of the maze of a medical ward the ship had to offer. I checked the office area as the other two looked through the other rooms, keeping alert of course.

As I checked the backrooms I found a panel of stairs leading down to an extended room on the lowest level of the ship. Dropping down the dark shaft I saw the dusty machine with two med berths attached. It seemed right, so I commed the others.

"Hey, I think I found it. Track my location, I'm gonna go turn it on."

I shut the comms and continued my way towards the machine.


A/N: Two chapters left!! Eeeee we're now leading into the grand finale soon y'all!

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