12. Project RAM (Part 2)

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The portal opened in front of us all as I especially gulped and plowed into the makeshift entryway like everyone else. A silent battle cry bled the area as all of us stood on cursed soil.

The Nemesis was parked as promised by a dusty cavern of its choosing, the boxes of mined energon stood around ready to be picked up and processed in the vessel by worker bots. The color scheme of our team stood out awfully loud with the brown and grays of the cave's surroundings.

"Everyone, turn your open comm link on. Everyone will be able to talk." Optimus said to us all as he eyed the ship, called the Nemesis, for any change. He handed out the relics they so far have collected, the Prime gestering for me to extend my servo.

A heavy object was set in my servo. "The force field generator." Optimus spoke. "This relic can manipulate physics and create a force field around the user."He showed me how to activate it and that was enough info for me to need. "I provide it to you for the sake of being less experienced than the others. I hope it will come in handy if confrontation is needed."

"You fixed it?" Arcee questioned, looking at the perfectly handed metal item in my servo.

"Yes, I believe it was necessary for this fight for our comrade. Everyone needs some protection in this world."

He reached behind him and took out a blazing sword. Whispers told me this beauty was crafted for this very fight, and the rest of the items, both the few relics and other crafted weapons, were given out accordingly.

"We go on the count of three." Optimus' words rang out to us all as I nervously shook the jitters away. I could see the vehicons tuning to look at us, which most likely meant they already alerted their boss. It wasn't exactly a big deal since, well, in a second we all charge.

"Three." Optimus sneered, sounding all badass and stuff. We all ran as the Decepticons charged to us by the millions, figuratively speaking.

"Bulkhead! Follow." Ratchet said quickly into his comm, flagging the bulky green mech our way before the 'cons swarmed him. Arcee and Optimus ran into the frontline area as promised, paving us a way to try and get onto the ship.

As we ran Ratchet fought off some of the purple Decepticons on the ground, in which I heard they were called "vehicons" by word around base. I saw Bumblebee not too far from me and waved him over, the young mech nodding as he blasted his way through the crowd and over to me.

"Stick around, you gotta get into their ship too." I say to the yellow bug, agreeing and joining our makeshift little squad.

Prime seemed to be handling his own pretty well, Arcee as well. Using their weapons and relics the duo were taking those beady-eyed zombies down like one of the video games the kids showed me last week. I still followed Ratchet's lead as If orced my body to keep on running. I felt useless in a sense, seeing everyone so easily take down these droids and here I am way out of practice, last time I did anything remotely close to this was through the war so long ago. If one of these cons got close to me I don't know what i'd even do.

"Almost there." Bulkhead shouted, as if the giant dark ship getting closer and closer wasn't clear to see. As the four of us ran-while also knocking down many vehicon troopers- I seemingly jinxed myself as I felt an uncomfortable tug and before I knew it my chin went striaght into the dirt with a loud groan of pain.

I rolled over and kicked in an instant, seeing the vehicon latch itself onto my right stabilizer and point his cannon towards my helm, warming up the machine to designate.

I quickly reached for my relic as I felt the heat from his cannon about to erupt on me, and in one sly second shielded myself from the blast, as the force field glowed blue all around me. I kicked him off.

The shield didn't last long as it soon started fading and I panicked with that information. The orange and white mech must've seen my because he stopped leading us and instead ran backwards to me, shooting the vehicon in the process before helping me up.

"Give me your arm." Ratched said smoothly but in a hurry, I immediatey held them both out for him. He quickly felt around on my left one as a funny feeling ticked my arm, and before I knew it my arm transformed into a blaster of my own.

"woah" I exclaimed, moving it around. 'How'd you do that!?"

"I'm a medic, Y/D." He stated the obvious. "And I happen to be the same mech you were with for the majority of your existence. Not saying that I know everything about you, but I know enough."


We both rejoined Bumblebee and Bulkhead as they were practically getting ready to enter the ship from the south side door, as Vehicons came pouring out of the north side.

"Optimus, the four of us are almost inside the ship now." I commed, getting a reply almost immediately.

"Good luck. Wheeljack has joined both Arcee and I. We are fine on our end."

We all got ready and boarded the ship quietly, Bulkhead hoisting us up one by one. I was the first to enter after the ex-wrecker, Bulkhead grabbing my servo and lifting me up like nothing. I silently crawled my way into the ship once I had enough room to do so, Bulkhead moving to help one of the other two as I clung to the wall, looking around the quiet hallway.

As Bulkhead worked I surveyed our surroundings, making sure to count all of the visible cameras. There were three active cameras I could see, but what worried me more was the two approaching shadows growing larger around the bend.

"Bulkhead." I whispered, keeping my optics looking at the shadow covered floor. "Bulkhead-"

"What?" He said rather loudly as I inched myself to him on my kneeplates and covered his intake.

He muffled as I shushed him in the process, pulling him away from the entrance as Bee lost his grip from the green mech's servos and clung to the side of the ship, dangling.

"What in Cybertron is going on up there?!" Ratchet exclaimed, cuffing his intake to make his voice reach us. I figured Bee would manage as I helped the wrecker up and away, shutting the door as I left Bee and Ratchet still outside, the muscle car left dangling on the ledge.

"We gotta get out of here, now." I say low to Bulkhead, quickly shuffling into the nearby corner of the hallway end. There were black boxes and containment units, maybe even some energon crates left untouched yet piled up. "Quick, help me move these."

The two of us quickly made a little path to hide as we ducked behind the materials, the two shadows still advancing as I showed them to Bulk, which made the situation make sense. The two of us stayed quiet and dimmed our lights as the dreadful mech marked his presense with a growl of anger.

"What is going on Y/D?! Bumblebee is dangling right now and can't get a proper footing to pull himself up. Something must be wrong." Ratchet said to me through my commlink, emitting a silent curse on my end. In the most tiniest, tedious voice I could muster, I whispered back to him so lightly that a pin could drop and it'd be more quiet than me.

"We're hiding, Ratch. Megatron is here."

Even though I was as quiet as can be, the silence on the other end of the comm was projected very loud and clear. Project RAM was in jeopardy.


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