Gummy Worms (One shot)

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Hey loves!
So I was watching Yellowstone and I was totally inspired to write this little bit along with inspiration from my own family.

I will most likely post one shots along with this story as the inspiration comes! Which will probably be out of order, I'm sorry! 😅

Jesse_Winter_Soldier thanks for letting me bounce the ideas off you!

No Beta( She's been busy with my new fic, which will be uploaded Friday! Under a Montana Sky, Yellowstone inspire Steve Rogers story!)

All mistakes are my own!


Bucky walked into the small grocery store, list in one hand, Grant's hand in the other. He could hardly believe Grant was five years old, thick chestnut curls bouncing as he walked beside his dad. The boy had been attached to Bucky's hip since school let out for summer break, waking up early with him to tend the ever-growing little farm they seemed to have.

Bucky was okay with the garden when his wonderful wife suggested it to him ; she had been on Pinterest to gather ideas to start canning. Even though he had been out there tending to the mass amount of vegetables she had planted, not that he would complain. Rori had just given birth to their third child four months ago, a beautiful baby girl who looked exactly like her mommy. Little tuffs of red hair and dark blues eyes he knew would be that same gorgeous shade of sapphire—little Audrey Marie Barnes.

He was a little apprehensive about the chickens Winnie wanted—knowing that he would be the one taking care of then, no matter how much the eleven-year-old promised she would help.  They had six hens, Pricilla, Henrietta, Charlotte, Cluck-Cluck, Cluckie, and Jim. Winnie wasn't happy about her brother getting to name three, the fit she had thrown over Jim being a boy's name. 'You can't name a girl chicken Jim, Grant! That's a boy's name!'. Just the thought made his head hurt.

Bucky wasn't sure how Grant had talked him into the cow; he wouldn't dwell on it now. But they had a cow named Strawberry, who Grant was convinced would produce strawberry milk.


"Bread, flour, peanut butter, oatmeal," Bucky mumbled to himself as he pushed the cart down an aisle. He slipped two containers of rolled oats into the cart. He was checking the produce one more time, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. He still needed zucchini and squash for dinner tonight.

Buck could grow, tomatoes, peppers of every variety, onions, potatoes, and cucumbers. However, Bucky could not grow zucchini and squash, which happened to be a current family favorite. Sautéed zucchini, squash, and onions in olive oil with his favorite blend of herbs and spices. That would pair nicely with the BBQ ranch chicken he was grilling tonight. To finish off, he planned an angel food cake with mixed berries and whipped cream.

They turned down the baking aisle; Bucky smiled as Grant walked along, one hand in the cart and the other in his pocket.

He grabbed a box of angel food cake mix; sure, he could buy pre-made ones at the bakery, but Bucky was on a mission. He needed redemption; the last time he made an angel food cake, he was not prepared for how much it would rise. Bucky had burnt angel food cake to the top of his brand new oven! One of those double ovens, the top half was not angel cake approved.

Grant walked along beside him; the boy stopped looking at the shelf. "Hey, Dad," he called out to Bucky a few steps ahead.

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