Chapter (Three) Hello, Mister Rogers

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Hey loves!
Sorry for the update delay!
Thank you Jesse_Winter_Soldier for beta reading and putting up with my drama!

Avengers Compound

Steve Rogers is the star-spangled man with a plan...up until now; he has no idea what to do. So, when Sam suggests bringing in a third party, a friend of Sam's from D.C. He decided to take a leap of faith; to be honest, he was desperate at this point. After Sam came home, they tried to use Jarvis to find me; the AI had no luck either.

He looks at the clock for what Sam is clearly, the millionth time within thirty minutes.  

"She'll be here; just breathe," Sam reassures quietly, checking his phone for messages. 

"Captain, Ms. Harris is here to see you; she is in the conference room," FRIDAY informs the two men.  

"Thank you, FRIDAY," Steve says, quickly standing up, leaving the room and Sam behind.

Steve enters the conference room with Sam hot on his tail; he pauses when he sees the woman typing quickly on her cellphone.

Thick radiant red curls are resting on her shoulders, sapphire blue eyes covered by thick lashes. Freckles dotted across her button nose and cheeks; a smile graced her plump pink lips. She was dressed in a maroon pencil skirt, pulled tightly across her thick thighs with a black blouse that dipped into a v, exposing a touch of her full breasts. The black heels she was wearing somehow made those long legs seem even longer.   

Steve couldn't believe this was the woman going to track Bucky down, had Sam lost his ever-loving mind?  

She looked up then back down at her phone; quickly looking up again, she smiled at the two men. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked towards them.

Sam stepped forward and hugged her. "Thank you again for coming by; we really appreciate it."

Her smile was bright, always going up to those beautiful eyes, crinkling around the edges. "I told you yesterday it's not a problem."

Steve cleared his throat, raising an expectant eyebrow at Sam.  

Sam coughed. "Oh my bad, Aurora Harris, this is Captain Steve Rogers." He gestured to Steve, "Steve, this is Aurora; she works at Helping Hearts in D.C. Rori here works mostly with combat Veterans."  

Steve held out his hand "Ma'am."  

Rori took his hand with a smile, "Captain, please call me Rori." she said polity.

Steve gestured to the table; "Shall we?", Rori gives a nod and at that they all take a seat.

"Did Sam tell you why we asked you to come here? What will you be doing?" Steve asked, leaning back in his chair, arms coming across his board chest.

He didn't seem to approve of her; she was used to it; she was a woman in the profession of helping Soldiers. Most of those were men, men who did not want to admit they needed help, much less accept it from a feeble woman.

Rori studied him for a moment; she could feel many things coming off Steve Rogers. Skepticism, no doubt towards her. But guilt was front and center; it was slowly eating at him.  

"You have survivor's guilt." She started with a frown.

Steve's eyes widened; he looked over at Sam, who pursed his lips, looking away.  

"You feel you could have done something more for your friend." She spoke again as she looked at the Captain in a much different light.

"How do you...I- who are you?" Steve asked, stunned.

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