Chapter Two (Calling in the 'Big Guns')

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Hey loves!
Welcome back to another chapter!
I will be updating every Tuesday.

Jesse_Winter_Soldier you are the best! Thanks for beta reading!


Washington DC
Helping Hearts

Aurora "Rori" Harris sat patiently waiting in the large, oversized chair in her office.

Her patient sat fiddling with his thumbs, Private Malcolm Fitzgerald. His dark blue eyes on the floor staring at his boots, copper curls acting as a shield against the outside world.

She checked the watch on her hand, they were twenty minutes into their session, and he still hadn't spoken. Focusing on him, she felt pain, anger, uncertainty.

He took a shaky breath. "I don't...... I don't know how to go back."

She shifted slightly. "Go back?"

He sighed, crossing his arms, "To how it was before...I went over there."

She nodded, taking note of his closed-off posture. "Ah, well, Malcolm; it would be challenging. You're not that same man anymore; you've changed, and you know that's okay. It's in our DNA to grow and make changes."

He chewed on the inside of his lip, looking out the window. "I-how......I don't know how I am supposed to move on, you know?"

"What happened to you did not happen overnight; healing from it won't happen overnight either. You must take it one day at a time. That's all any of us can do." She folded her hands on her lap " Did you try what we talked about last week?"

He nodded. "I did; I got as far as the grocery store door then turned back. Had to have my mom shop for me." He scuffed. "What kinda man can't go into a grocery store?"

She sat up a little taller "Malcolm, what is that we say?"

He huffed before he spoke with her, "Progress is progress no matter how big or small the step it."

She smiles at him. "You made to the doors last week, maybe this week you'll make it inside the store and if you have to leave after. That's fine; step the goal to get further each week, you will get there." She glanced at her watch quickly before speaking again. "Have you thought any more about attending a group session at the V.A?"

He shrugged.

"It's okay to talk about your feelings and what happened. You might find some of the others that attended have been through similar experiences or can even relate," she said, sensing anger coming front and center.

He scuffed, "Unless they were there unless they watched a seven-year-old walk out into the middle of the street with a bomb strapped to their chest...." His breath caught tears in his eyes. "Watch them push the detonator...hear his mother scream...oh God." His shoulders sagged forward, his hands going to his face. His blood started pounding in his ears, heart thudding in his chest as if trying to escape. He began to hyperventilate, his chest heaving hard.

Rori moved quickly to his side, "Can I touch you, Malcolm?"

He nodded, his floppy copper locks bouncing with the gesture.

She helped him stand up, wrapping her arms tightly around the man she squeezed.

"Malcolm, you have a panic attack; I need you to focus on my breath and try to match it." She said calmly.

Inhale 2,3,4,5

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