8| ...One Party

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Fuck. Her scent is driving me mad.

Its endearing fragrance was imprinted inside my mind since the moment I first caught a whiff of it in that vile mortal-infested club. I never would have imagined discovering her in a place where I typically hunt food, but there she was, in the center of those wretched humans, dancing to the music.

My first impression of her was that she looked irresistible clothed in that tight minidress, her curves on display for probing eyes to see, and her honey hair cascading down her shoulders in soft waves. I was simply enamored with her, never before had I felt so strongly about a human after merely breathing in her scent. My mouth watered at the sight of her and my hunger for blood had turned insatiable. I desired to have her, to consume her. That desire controlled me for a split second as I suddenly found myself tearing away a mortal male who had his tiny dick pressed against her.

His lust for her enraged me, and like an ignorant fool, I hadn't the slightest inclination as to why. All I had known was the itching need for his death. I would kill him, and not even for food just for pure enjoyment. Perhaps I would have if she hadn't locked eyes with me.

Those exquisite eyes of hers, deeper, clearer, and bluer than the purest of seas, had me bending at her will. It was as if I had been drowning all my existence until I was faced with the depth of her eyes, they held me upright, chained me down, and compelled me ready to be at her beck and call. At that moment I cared about nothing but those eyes and the human they belonged to.

I've never quite had mood swings like the others. I didn't have the tendency for my mood to change at the drop of a hat, but it was instantaneous, my previous want to devour her had diverted to the unbreakable desire to just be near her. I desired to stay by her side for eternity.

Before I learned the color of her eyes, I stood as only a senile—my wits and emotions rotting away with every passing century—predator that existed only to feed on mankind. I never knew how filling life could be until I saw her. My cursed hunger had never been satiated until I saw her. I felt full for the first time in all my time on this earth. Her presence had plenished me and I wished nothing more than to serve her.

I now only continue to live for her, if that's what you call this everlasting existence of mine—life.

The truth of my reason for feeling this way hit me after the initial feelings of devotion flooded in. She was my mate, my fated pair, the part of me blessed by the gods, and foreordained to be the only being created to fit perfectly into the missing piece of my life. We are fated to be for the rest of our existence. Mind, body, and soul, we were made for each other.

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