Chapter 6: Somewhere else.

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She stood in the ruble of battle and reverie, in a half destroyed Colosseum that could barely contain her two bare soles. Arms crossed Laufey Titanborn loomed over the ravaged field that was once filled with the cheers of countless citizens, a field that was now only met with silence.

Men and women alike where dead, or trapped under gargantuan pieces of rock and ruble, many more where injured and yet none who still walked amongst the living dared to leave the area, not even the mighty king himself, who Remained completely safe and sound in the Imperial box. All who stayed looked at this marvel, this giant warrior who awe and excitement. They where the people of battle and blood shed and all of them couldn't wait to see the battle that would be waged next.

Laufey Titanborn glared down down at the little ant that dared to call himself king. She could see the smile on his face, and she hated it, the very thought of being nothing but entertainment to these little dust mites only rubbed her the wrong way. They would pay, she would make sure  that each and every last one of these fools would be nothing but stains underneath her foot but such things would have to wait for right now she had only one question.

"Where is my next opponent!" She yelled out, her voice shaking the very area with nothing but it's sound and turning a myriad of people
Deaf for a short amount of time. "Bring him to me now!!!"

He walked through the cracked hallway that led to the outside battlefield. He walked with a sense of melancholy as if this was any other normal day. His body was thin and almost skeletal, filled with scars of battles long past

He wore no armor, only rags that had been ravaged by time. He held no weapon, no shield or sword, only his bare hands that seemed so decrepit and weak. His eyes were dead and weary as if he had never rested or slept in his whole entire life and yet still he moved forward as if he where being drawn to one destination.

The light hit his face as he walked out of the veiled shadows, it was then that the undeniable quite that had permeated through the whole stadium disappeared and was replaced with cheers of the citizens of OverReach, for they understood who this man was and what he would do.

He was the champion of this grand Colosseum, the master of battle and carnage. This warrior of the thin skin and brittle bones stood bathing in glory he asked not for.

He looked up at his giant foe who intern looked down at him. His lifeless eyes only for a moment seemed come to life as he looked at the marvel that had the power to brush the clouds with her fingers, to split the toughest stones, and cross the deepest oceans and yet that sense of surprise soon faded away leaving nothing but supposed boredom.

Laufey looked down at the little man that stood before her giant toes. She didn't move, she hardly even breathed as she looked at the supposed champion of the Colosseum.

"You are the undefeated champ of these lands?" Laufey said in disbelief as her eyebrow twitched up and down.

She crossed her arms and slightly arched her back to get a closer look at the unstoppable warrior.

["Is this really him?"] she thought to herself as a sense of annoyance over took every nerve in her body. ["This pest is even more puny than the other humans."] she thought to herself.

"Tell me little man are you really going to fight me?" Laufey asked with little to no excitement.

The little man Lazily rolled his head on his
Shoulders as the afternoon breeze flutters his messy hair. He looked bored, she hated that."

"Yea I guess that would be me." The little man said with an uncaring tone as he scratched his head and yawned.

Laufey gritted her teeth as she looked at the little man who seemed so uncaring, so unafraid of her very presence that it almost seemed natural.

"Very well prepare yourself." She said as she readied herself, the golden aura that surrounded her grew more intense.

Laufey with her raised fist looked at the little champion, who made no move against her, all he seemed to do was look all throughout the Colosseum. "What is he doing?"

He looked around the destroyed Colosseum, he saw the smashed walls, cracked ground, as well as the dead bodies of people who where unfortunate enough not to be able to escape the previous fight.

He looked up at the towering warrior with his lifeless eyes and spoke with an insipid voice.

"Let's move this somewhere else."

Laufey lowered her fists as she watched the little man walk towards her bare soles with no hostility or precaution.

Watching such a careless man Laufey had the urge to simply lift up her foot and crush the little fool and yet she ignored such feelings as she got down on one knee.

"Such a request..." She said with tetchiness "can only be made by a worthy opponent!" Laufey yelled, her very breath stirred the wind causing the little man clothes and hair to dance wildly in the air, while the man himself stood u affected. "We fight here."

The little man let's out a yawn. "No we fight somewhere else."

Laufey opened her mouth wide in surprise. Did this little insect dare to talk back to her. "We fight here." She said barely able to control the fury welling up inside of her.

"Somewhere else." The man repeated.


"Somewhere else."


"Somewhere else."

Laufey quickly rose her fist high into the air and with great speed sent it plummeting towards the ground.


Dirt and dust flew threw the air as the ground moved like a wave made out of earth and stone. People who where standing where thrown to ground or where flown into the air.

Her fist rested in the middle of a crater, and sitting in front of her giant appendage was the little champion. Seeing this Laufey smirked.

The champion brushed the dust from his clothes and slowly stood on his feet. He looked up at the giantess herself.

"Somewhere else."

Laufeys  eyes turned dark and deadly, anger had filled every corner of her body desiring nothing more than for her to lash out.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist so hard her grip would be strong enough to turn stone into diamond.

"Fine! We'll fight somewhere else!" She yelled out. "But prepare yourself little man, because when I defeat you, your final moment will be the most painful!"

The little champion stood completely still, he scratched his thin arm nonchalantly and said only one word.

Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters.

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