Chapter 5: The Warrior vs The Giantess!

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Laufey Titanborn stared down at the little warrior who much like herself was glowing with overflowing energy. Her eyes burned and overflowed with a golden radiance as she shot out a golden beam of energy from her irises.

It was a technique that she hadn't used for a long time, a technique that took a lot of energy and yet it always ended with her enemies incinerated, until today.

Laufey looked at the man who barely managed to dodge her attack. He was a speck of a man but Laufey couldn't help but have respect for this little insect.

Laufey bent down, putting her hands on her knees. "Tell me little one, what is your name?"

Laufey watched as the warrior lowered his blade. "My name is Brenden Fawcett and I'm the one who will defeat you!" 

The small man rushed forward like a comet of blue light. Laufey smiled as she herself ran at her mite sized opponent. Both screamed out in battle hardened rage as fist met steel.


A massive explosion of bluish and golden lights erupted in the middle of the colosseum, casing every last person to duck for cover, a shockwave lashed out in all directions.

Laufey only focused on the foe before her as she exchanged clash after clash against him. She would struggle to keep the little man in sight, for one moment he would be running at amazing speeds struggling to stay within her blind spot, and the next he would be running on top of her massive body, using her arms as roads, her shoulders as trampolines, and her long blond hair as ropes to swing on.

The truth of the matter was, was that this fight was ridiculous, in fact standing miles away any ordinary person would see a giantess fighting an invisible opponent, wrecking a city in the process, and yet the massive blows between giantess and man told no lies.


Both continued to strike each other landing blow after blow, nonstop!
Brenden could feel every bone in his body shrieking from the strain this battle was putting him through.

Time after time Brenden had slashed his blade against the thick white skin of the giantess, he attacked her ankles, her massive knees that where hard enough to destroy houses without fail, he pierced her fingers that where mighty enough to tear apart the mountains themselves, and yet all he seemed to leave behind where scratches so small that not one could draw blood, and none seemed to last for very long, as the healing of a giant was quick and never ending.

"Damn!" Brenden shouted out as he stood looking up at the Titan. He breathed hard from an ever increasing exhaustion.

Brenden looked around the area, he saw foot sized craters that left deep impressions in the ground. Much of the colosseum walls where destroyed many of the citizens where either crushed or disintegrated and yet many more where still here in this area cheering. Brenden understood that these people where just like the king who built this stadium of battle. They where enthusiasts who longed to witness the ultimate battle.

Dirt fell from the sky snapping Brenden out of his lingering thoughts. He looked up and witnessed a tan sky of skin, skin belonging to the massive foot of the giant.

"I didn't introduce myself did I?" The monolith spoke holding her foot in mid air. "My name is LAUFEY TITANBORN!" The giant shouted out, slamming her massive foot to the ground, unleashing a shockwave like no other.

The wind grew frantic as a massive surge of power upheaved the ground, shaking the very stones for miles.

Brenden struggled to remain standing, his aura protected him from the raging torrent of wind but just barely.

Brendens vision was obscured from the wind and dust and yet he could still see a looming shadow coming ever closer.


Brenden couldn't react fast enough as a massive wall of flesh from Laufey's foot rammed into him, sending him flying back at great speeds.

"BANG!" Brenden slammed into the giant rocks that where uplifted from the ground, and yet still he kept on flying backward, until finally he rammed into the colosseum wall creating a large indentation in its rocky surface.

It was then, before he could even move a massive hand like a mighty spear broke through the raging wind and with strong force slammed him further into the rocky wall.


Laufey held on to the little man, she held him tightly and watched as blood fell from his beaten and broken body.

It was then that a familiar feeling of boredom began to over take her, like it had done many times before.

"Is this truly all you had?" Laufey wondered as she stood amongst flaming stones, and chard ground. "What a shame... I barely used 20% of my power."

Laufey continued to gaze down at the little speck of a man who breathed hard with exhaustion. "If I recall your name is Brenden, well Brenden if you have nothing else to entertainment me with, than I will finish this." Laufey brought Brenden to her lips and began to lick the man as if he where a sweet treat.

Laufey had licked the little man 20 times before she had stopped. "You should make do as a little snack." Laufey smirked."

"Y-you won't win..."

Laufey looked at the little man who hung like a rag doll between her fingers. Brenden giggled lightly as if he didn't want to get caught laughing and yet Laufey heard the sound of ever increasing laughter.

"And what is so funny you little pest!" Laufey said annoyed.

"You may have defeated me you giant bitch, but the next person you will have to fight is a true monster." Brenden smiled with resolution.

"What?" Laufey brought her face ever more closer.

"You heard me. The next battle will
Be your last."

Laufey smiled as she listened to the words of her defeated foe. She couldn't help but wonder was their any truth to these claims.

Laufey with lifeless emotion throws the little warrior into her mouth, and chews ever so slowly, feeling the touch of steel hard armor break against her teeth, and the familiar touch of iron that could only come from blood.

With a loud gulp Laufey turned and looked down at the king who still stood safe and sound in his little box of stone and Luxury. Laufey cared little for titles or rewards, she only wanted one thing.

"Hurry and bring out my final opponent."
Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters.

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