Chapter 5: Gypsy

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"Why is the only class we have together the hardest and the worst?" You whined.

"So I can help you out of course!" Peter exclaimed as he did the lab assigned.

"Really?" You asked dryly.

"No its completely random but it is a good coincidence right?" He was excited. You couldn't understand why he was so chipper around you.

"Sure." You replied and put in yout earbuds. His face fell. You noticed but you didn't look up. You continued to fill in data and doodled on the sides of your papers.

"Thats a really good sketch," Peter pointed to a spider web in the corner of your paper.

"Thank you," you replied.

"You're really creative, that's impressive." He told you.

"Yes and you're all smart and nerdy. That is also very impressive." You replied.

"Would you ever be interested in designing suits for the team?" He questioned.

"No I hate the team." You responded coldly. His face fell again, "except for you and my siblings." You added.

"So you don't hate me?" He asks.

"You're full of questions," you respond which caused his face to fall, "no I don't hate you." A small smile grew on his face allowing his dimples to show. You observed him out of the corner of your eye. His lab goggles made him look nerdy but in a cute way and paired with his dimples it made your stomach flip.


You had been in school for two weeks now. You didn't need Peter anymore. You walked fast to class. People often stopped in the middle of the hallway which irked you to no end. Your shoulder bumped into something sharply but you continued to walk.

"Hey watch it!" The 'something' yelled. You turned around to see a tan boy with curly black hair looking angrily at you. You had seen him mess with Peter before, his name was Flash.

"Apologies," you responded. Your accent was thick but you didn't worry much about it.

"Apologies," he mocked your accent. You felt rage come bursting into your system like water bursting through a cracked dam. Your fists balled up and turned on your heel to fully face him.

"Ooh you made her angry," one of his buddies laughed.

"You're staring, gypsy." Flash smiled smugly.

"What did you just call me?" You asked through gritted teeth.

"You heard me," Flash kept his smug smile plastered on his punchable face. You knew it was against the rules but you were angry. For the most part you didn't mean to but within seconds your dominant fist went flying towards Flash's face.

And more kept coming. Repeatedly your fists bashed and pummeled his face, torso and his limbs which you couldn't see clearly through the tears that began to well up and cloud your vision and the strands of hair which stuck to your face.

You felt hands around your waist pulling you back from the jerk in front of you. When you finally complied and backed away, you pushed hair out of your face. Flash's face was bloodied. It resembled a blob fish that had faced a gruesome death.


The aftermath of the fight was a lot to process. You sat at the kitchen counter getting yelled at by Tony Stark.

"I know, I fucked up." You spoke quietly.

"Wait, you're not going to fight back," he paused his rant and his pacing.

"No, I fucked up." You repeated yourself.

"Why did you fight that kid? Peter struggled so hard to pull you off of him." He asked, calmly for once.

"He called me a gypsy." You whispered.

"I can't hear you, what?" He got closer to hear better.

"He called me a gypsy!" You yelled. Tony's anger shifted.

"He what?!" He yelled. Before you could answer he stomped off. You felt a surge of emotions.

Moments later Tony came back with Pietro and Wanda.

"Tell them what you told me." Tony ordered.

"The boy I punched called me a gypsy." You mumbled, you were becoming annoyed. You believed you could handle these issues yourself. You always had despite Wanda and Pietro's insufferable meddling.

"Murder is a felony, murder is a felony." Pietro whispered to himself calmly and began pacing the kitchen.

"Look I'll take my punishment but I don't want you two snooping around in my life. I let my anger get the best of me, that's on me." You told them. Wanda's face faltered. You could see it in her face, she wanted to help. At one point she was just as angsty as you, just as angry, just as hateful towards this situation. She wanted to help as much as she knew you needed it.

"The school said you have a week of suspension. I'll talk to the board, get it off your record. Just take it slow, kid." Tony told you calmly. This was the nicest he had been since you moved into the tower.

"I'll be in my room." You said plainly and retreated to your bedroom.

"She knows we're not disapointed, right?" Tony turned to the twins.

"All of the yelling might have gave her the wrong impression," Pietro replied sarcastically.

"Pietro, be fair. She broke the rules." Wanda scolded her brother. He scoffed and sped off. Sometimes you and him acted the same. Wanda knew that acting angry wouldn't get her to where she wanted. She wish you knew that as well.


Yum yum!

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Yum yum!

Oli <3

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