Chapter 2: Practice

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"What were we thinking?" Ava asked as she spun her drumstick absentmindedly.

"I can sing pretty much whatever but if you make me do Breakout I will cry," you laughed and took a swig of your energy drink.

"We get it, you're talented," Eddie teased, "I was thinking we do American Idiot as our debut since you're new to our lovely country." Eddie suggested.

"I like that actually," you told him and jotted down the song title.

"Billie Joe is so beautiful," Ava sighed and kicked her feet up onto your lap.

"Agreed," you responded with your Sokovian accent. Despite many attempts, your accent still remained. It had been a year since you moved to America and you had been insecure about sounding different to your peers.

"Your accent is heavenly," Eddie spoke through bites of pizza.

"See, its nothing to be ashamed of," Wanda patted you on the back. You shrugged her hand off of you before turning your attention back to the task at hand.

"Ok what about '18'?" You recommended.

"One Direction or Anarbor?" Eddie asked.

"Anarbor all the way," Ava blurted.

"I have an unhealthy obsession with that song," you nodded and downed the last few drops of your drink.

"Do you guys just do covers?" Peter asked sheepishly.

"Yeah, but we're trying to write our first album," you told him.

"Why don't we practice what we've picked out?" Rodrick stood up, removing his legs from yours.

"Sounds great, I always struggle with timing on American Idiot." You agreed and stood up with her.

"We desperately need a bassist," Eddie sighed and placed his guitar around his neck. It hung by the strap while he finished eating the last slice of pizza.

"Recordings will have to do for now," Ava responded and sat down comfortably at her drum set.

"I uh..can play bass guitar," Peter raised his hand awkwardely. This took you by surprise, maybe Peter was more interesting than you had originally thought.

"You can?" Ava asked and held up a drumsick, pointing it at him. He appearred to be nervous. A sense of pity rose until he replied sheepishly, explaining his Uncle Ben taught him but he didn't own an instrument.

"That's the easy part. Tony has so much money he won't even noticed. Follow me," you told him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and complied. You pushed the steel doors of the auditorium open and braced yourself for the conversation you would have to have with Tony. You were just cussing at him and now you were requesting money. You felt weak, vulnerable. As if you needed him. You let out and audible scoff at the thought.

You didn't need anyone.

Peter had now caught up to you. He was walking along side you. His loosely tied shoelaces dragging on the floor, filling the still silent corridor.

"So are you excited for Midtown?" He questioned, hoping to make some conversation.

"Has the spying begun or are you genuinely asking?" You teased.

"I don't want to be his spy. You seem capable of taking care of yourself," he admitted

"Of course I'm capable." You snapped.

"No, I didn't mean it like that." He told you frantically. Your face stayed unbothered and your pace quickened. Behind you, you could here him apologizing profusely. Instead of aknowleding him, you kept walking. At this point you didn't know where you were going but you needed to blow of some steam.

Tony's lab was getting closer and all noise was drowned out by the sound of your own heartbeat. You stopped dead in your tracks and clenched your fists. You were only a few feet away from the door.

"Why did you stop?" Peter whispered.

"Shut up, he'll hear you." You hissed before turning on your heel. There was a door to the courtyard to your left and it was much more appealing than asking Tony for money. The courtyard was lit up by the afternoon sun. Green grass was perfectly manicured with patches of flowers sprouting along the the building. It was a closed in area but it was peaceful.

    Untouched iron benches and a chess set sat in a tall white gazebo. You walked over, hearing the scuffle of Peter's shoelaces kicking pebbles. One larger rock fell into a glistening lake.

    "Want to play?" You requested as you set your pieces up on the board. He didn't reply but his eyes were locked on you.

"You do know how to, right?" You asked. He nodded and sat in front of you. His pieces were black, yours white.

    You moved your pawn two spaces forward and he countered that.

    "What was it like in Sokovia?" He wondered aloud.

    "No questions, Peter." You requested. He sighed.

    "I need something to give to Mr.Stark.." Peter muttered.

    "We'll make it a game then." You didn't elaborate. Instead you took a knight and shut into a small wooden box.

"How did you get Tony's attention?" You asked the first question. Despite the accent he understood perfectly. You appreciated that he didn't comment on it, instead he answered.

    "A radioactive spider bit me. It gave me spider-like abilities and I started using them," he explained shooting a web out. You nodded and he captured a pawn.

    "So, Sokovia?" He repeated himself.

    "We were living a war," you laughed, "but mom and dad did make it fun." You responded. You didn't feel that sorrow anymore. Instead you replaced it with anger. He could tell. He replaced his sorrow with happiness. In a way you were the perfect balance.

     You knocked a bishop off the board and placed it neatly in your box.

    "Your parents are ok with you living here with us?" You asked him.

    "I don't have parents," he laughed a sad laugh. And then you laughed.

    "Parents are overrated anyways," you told him and he nodded.

    "What are your powers?" He asked plucking another pawn for the board.

     "Quite a big question for such a little piece." You chuckled.

"Let us get back to the others." You paused the game to his disappointment and led him back to the corridor.


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uploading early because im taking a day trip to chinatown <33

Oli <3

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