"He wouldn't have done anything." Sae shook her head, knowing fully well she wouldn't have let him. At least she assumed he would have listened to her.

"Ha, sure." JJ scoffed.

"Besides he's gone until Saturday, him and Topper both." Sae shrugged, taking another spoonful.

"What about the other ones?" JJ asked, referring to her other guy friends. He knew their names, but didn't want to dignify them by using them.

"Kelce wouldn't do shit, he's all talk no action. Ethan... I dunno really, we're not that close. I can't see him taking any action either?"
And it was true, Kelce wasn't known to start, or end physical fights. But he sure did run his mouth. Ethan was a typical Jock stereotype, big, loud, but over all laid back. Sure, Sae had witnessed first hand him loose his cool, and blow up on people.
But, they weren't close, only sharing mutual friends together. She didn't really know Ethan, and he didn't really know her. So she couldn't imagine him caring who she hung around with?

"Well whatever, I don't feel like getting beat up today." JJ quipped, finally relaxing enough to take his first bite of his yogurt.

"If you don't calm down, I'll be the one beating you up squirrelly."

"Squirrel... did you just call me squirrelly?"

"Yeah, you're acting all twitchy, like a little squirrel." Sae laughed lightly.

"I don't even know how to respond to that." JJ shook his head, leaning back once more.

The town wasn't too busy, which was surprising since it was prime tourist season. Sae could only guess, that most tourists preferred to spend their days out on the beach. Which was fine by her, because if there was one thing that annoyed her above all else, it was tourists.

"So... I've been thinking." Sae started, pausing to glance over to the blonde boy. Catching his eyes almost instantly.

"About?" He pushed.

"I'm going to break up with Rafe."

That was like music to JJ's ears. After having to listen to her for days on end, he was glad she finally made a decision.
His eyes widened slightly at her sudden proclamation.

Sae nodded
"Yeah, I can't keep pretending like everything's back to normal. I just... I don't want to hurt his feelings by just coming out and saying 'hey dude so I don't actually love you, but let's be friends'" Sae put on a mock deeper tone.

JJ didn't care enough about Rafe Camerons feelings, to try and spare them.
"You should just rip the bandaid off. The quicker the better." JJ pulled his arm as if demonstrating, ripping off a bandage.

"You think?" Sae scrunched her nose, not quite agreeing with him. But considering it none the less.

"Yeah, just—" he clapped his hands together suddenly "boom, over."

Sae stared at him, deadpanned, before erupting in laughter.
"Uh huh, I'll think about the 'boom' approach." She joked.

JJ's loud expression caused some passing heads to turn. His outburst being heard from across the street.

Wren had asked Emma to hang out, seeing as she hadn't spoken to any of her other friends since Topper had caught an attitude with her. Poor Emma, who was already excluded enough because of her mother, seemed to become alienated along with Wren. Leaving the two teen girls to socialize together.

So Wren had suggested going out for coffee. The local coffee shop that was conveniently positioned across the street from the frozen yogurt shop.
Now, Wren wasn't one to pay much attention to her surroundings. Not unless her surroundings consisted  of cute boys. So she'd been too preoccupied chatting with Emma to notice.

But the sudden clap had caught her attention. Her eyes barely glanced across the street. She had to pull a double take, having caught the dark hair, and very recognizable sunglasses.

Wren stopped in her tracks, causing Emma to pause in confusion.
"What's wrong?" She questioned.

"Holy shit." Wren spit, quickly flipping the top of her bag open, beginning to rummage through.

"What!?" Emma tried again, watching as Wren pulled her phone out. Pointing it into the direction she'd just been gawking at.
Emma moved to stand beside Wren, now searching in the same direction for herself.
Her eyes widening slightly once she realized.

"Can you believe her? She completely lied to Rafe, and now look. She's out on a date!?" Wren griped, as she snapped a picture of the two across the street.

"Maybe it's really not what we think—"

Wren whipped around, shooting Emma a sour look. To which she flinched slightly.

"Em, have you not been listening? Sae admitted to JJ hitting on her, and she did nothing about it. You said yourself that he confronted her at the club. Then she's sneaking around with him at a party. Who knows what else has been going on, and now here they are out in broad daylight. Right when Rafe and Topper are out of town on their stupid annual camping trip. She's cheating on Rafe, and not even trying to hide it!" Wren hissed, her glare shooting back towards the couple across the street.

Watching as they both stood, and began down the sidewalk in the opposite direction.

"What are you going to do?" Emma gave Wren a concerned look. She wasn't sure how to feel. On the one hand, she could understand where Wren was coming from, and everything was adding up. But on the other hand, Emma just wanted to hear Sae's side of the story. She hadn't spoken to Sae in over a week, and she didn't enjoy not talking with her friend.
Plus Wren had been on a rampage ever since the party, and Emma was nearly fed up with her.

"I'm going to show Rafe—"

"Don't send it to him!" Emma quickly slapped Wrens arm as she began typing away on her phone.

"Why the hell not? He deserve to know." Wren argued.

"Then... tell him in person, not over text when he's not even here." Emma tried to reason. She didn't want Wren to get any further involved at all, but she couldn't just out right say so.
Wren paused, thinking it over.

"You have the proof, just wait until you see him next." Emma continued.

Wren looked to her phone, then back down the opposite sidewalk. Where the two teens were becoming smaller the further they trekked.
"Fine." The curly headed blonde grit her teeth, and shut off her phone.

"C'mon let's go, it's getting too hot out." Emma completely made up an excuse, already pulling Wren by the arm back to her car.

As the two girls began down their sidewalk. Wren began off into another rant. One that Emma had already had to listen to before.
Tuning Wren out, Emma shot a glance over her shoulder. Watching as Sae seemed to burst into laughter, with JJ shaking his head in laughter as well.

"Yeah, let's just go..." Emma repeated, as they continued down the sidewalk.

This was a super short chapter, I might try to add into it during editing.


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