"C'mon Richmond, what's your deal with big parties?" Ethan spoke up, pulling his attention away from his girlfriends neck. Only to send the dark headed girl a questioning look.

"She hates having to interact with people she doesn't already know." Rafe chuckled, holding his hand out for his girlfriend to take hold of, as she climbed into the hot tub. Sitting next to him, and tucking herself into his side, his arm falling comfortably over her shoulders.

"All of you are bad enough as it is." Sae grumbled, everyone laughing at her expense.

"C'mon babe, lighten up." Rafe planted a kiss to her temple, squeezing her to him.

"If I do, will you take me home?" She tilted her head to meet his gaze.

"With me, yeah." He chuckled, causing Sae to roll her eyes. She didn't stop him from leaning down to kiss her properly this time.
The group of friends erupted in mock gagging sounds, and booing.

And that's how the Kook teens spent most of their Summers. Partying, or meeting at the country club. Sae, and Wren would sometimes take trips to the mainland, souly for shopping.
It was Fulfilling.

Chapter One vol. 2  -  First Sighting

"What about this one?" Wren tapped her phone, before turning it towards Sae, who was preoccupied watching a bird land on the shop across the street.
Sae glanced towards her friend's phone. Another classy, long cut dress on display.

"Wren, Midsummers isn't for another month & a half." She deadpanned, sipping from her iced coffee.

"You know me, I always prepare way ahead. So what do you think? I have a few more options I was looking at." Wren brushed her friend off, shaking her phone lightly.

Sae sighed, pulling her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose, taking another look.
"It's cute, but I still like the first one you showed me."

"Hm, alright. I figured I could order a few, just to try. And then I'll have a couple new dresses for other occasions?" Wren shrugged, beginning to scroll on her phone once more.

Sae thought to herself, leaning back into the metal cafe chair. She was clad in a navy, cropped halter top. A pair of Jean shorts, and name brand sandals. Her black, heart shaped sunnies rested on the bridge of her nose. Dark hair pulled back into two neat braids.
Her gaze  fell back onto the bird that'd landed on the small, locally owned store.
It was brightly colored, which was odd for this part of the eastcoast. It hopped around a bit, before flying around the building.
Sae sighed.

"I godda go." Sae abruptly slid her chair out, gathering her bag, and cell phone.

"What, Where?" Wren whined.

Literally, anywhere else...
"I'm meeting Rafe." She lied, leaning down to give Wren a side hug, before making her way down the sidewalk.

"Okay, well bye!" Wren huffed, Sae waving her arm in dismissal.

Sae Richmond found herself driving leisurely around the outskirts of Kildare Island. Her music playing, with the windows down.
She was bored, and never knew what to do in order to ease her boredom. Besides the typical party, country club, or lounging at home... but she wasn't interested in any of that.

Sae, had never stepped outside of her life before. She wasn't even sure if she could stomach it at this point. She'd become accustomed to being treated as the Queen Bee. Not just by her friends, but her parents too.
She always got what she wanted... so, what else could there possibly be for her to want?

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