we alert the teen titans

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I wake up around 8:00 and wake everyone up. We planned the fight and the plan we needed to win. We all had magic and our wits but that was it. Of course this villain was the cocky kind thinking we don't need any chains or something because his plan will work. So we had no chains or anything. I got up to the sleeping quarters where the villain ,who I learned his name was revenge, was sleeping with no protection. Or so I thought. I snuck up there and tried to put him in chains but he stopped me instantly. "I thought you might try to stop my because of your pathetic little love. Or your teen titans go. Its really a pathetic thing. But no one can save you. Oh but you do have your mommy and your little best friend in there who can comfort you! Now back you go you little ignorant girl." he said and I was teleported back into my chambers but now with a wall of magic not letting us go anywhere. "No oh my gosh!" I yelled. My mom came over and looked at the door. "Back up ladies!" she said and we did. She then blasted the door open without breaking a sweat. This was when I started to truly remember her. The long, beautiful, and luscious purple hair. The kind and helping smile. And what I remembered most was the strong but kind, determined but satisfied, hate but love, unloved but loved, pretty but not hot, the light but dark, big green eyes with the long eyelashes. She walked through and we followed. I was amazed at how this horrid man saved her. That's how they wanted us to think she was dead. We where making our escape and big return to the teen titans go and the world!

at the teen titans tower third person POV:

The titans tried to gain information on this villain while Beast Boy just became more anxious. He paced the floor back and forth turning from animal to animal and panic eating the whole fridge. He yelled at the teen titans every few minutes and Cyborg had to calm him down. Beast Boy ran to his room and laid down so mad and sad. He didn't know how to save Raven or if he could ever save Raven. He threw things at the wall. Someone knocked on the door. He opened it thinking it would be cyborg but it was Star Fire. "Hey. You ok?" she asked. Beast Boy shook his head. "I am sad too. She is my best friend. Without her I am nothing. Just a laboratory experiment gone wrong." She said looking down at a picture of her and Raven when they roamed the open road not knowing what to expect next. Beast Boy shook his head again. "No your not Star Fire. You help the teen titans." she looked the other way than said "I am just a star. That's it. I have no place to fit in with out Raven. Where ever she stays was where I felt at home."  he looked at her feeling her pain. "You know if she was here she would want you to stay and know you fit in." Star Fire nodded and she walked out. Beast boy laid back down on his bed sighing and looking at the picture of the teen titans he had on the mirror in his room. He looked at Raven laughing at some thing he had said and Cyborg making some armor and Star Fire and Robin putting there faces in front and taking the picture. It was his favorite group picture even though only two people where looking at the camera. He missed Raven even more than anybody knew. She was taken away from him twice.  That was it he thought. That was his reason to get her. He sat up on the bed with a sudden change in expression. Instead of sadness it was a look of determination. He was going to find Raven if it was the last thing he did.


We had gotten out of the room and planned again. My mom went upstairs to distract him while we went out of the constantly moving robot. We got to the door and dropped down scared for my mom who had to deal with the evil villain after he discovered that we where gone. I summoned my ride and we got on. We found our way near the teen titans tower and I summoned my teen titans go communicator. "Hello its Raven!" I said into the face cam not seeing anybody. Then I heard rushed foot steps like it was on the other side of the room and Beast Boy picked up. "Raven?" he asked and I nodded and said "Meet us in town. You'll know what to do." I said and he nodded and dropped the communicator on the floor and I put it in my pocket. We where going to fight this villain and we where going to get the attention we wanted.

teen titans go: Ravens storyWhere stories live. Discover now