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I am Raven. My life has always been sad and filled with demons of horror and terror. And the inventor of fear was my father. I was always fearful even though no one knew it. The main reason I was fearful was because of myself. I was a loner and never had friends or a crush and so I fear myself around them. By them I mean teen titans go. They fight evil and I am the daughter of evil. I will always stick out like a sore thumb because fear always wins and always will. I was ten years old when I decided not to be evil. I decided I had learned enough magic to be by myself. To venture on the road in the real world where I could help. I kept in touch with my dad but when I was eleven I came back because I had destroyed a place by a spike in my magic. I came back and he had just recently gotten married to a evil woman who hated me. He then left me to stay with that woman and I went back to being on the road. I got a few jobs as a side kick for super heroes but never stayed there for long. just long enough to get enough money to survive. I had a bike, money, and a dream. That was what I didn't know what was my dream to be a super hero? I once was a side kick for a man named fire. He made a person out of a galaxy and we became great friends. Her name was star fire and since she was a regular person not fire's she became my friend and started traveling the roads together. City after city being girls living with no knowing what tomorrow would bring. Until we met Beast Boy, Ciborg, and Robin. I fell for beast boy but I could never tell him because if I did he would get hurt. because everything I have ever loved has gone away from me intentionally and unintentionally.

You see him when you close your eyes

Maybe one day you'll understand why

Everything you touch surely dies

- passenger let her go

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