Ynw Melly

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All I ever wanted was to be loved and cared for as much as I loved and cared for others. I finally found the person that would do exactly that or so I thought. Lately I haven't been feeling normal and I have been trying to get back to my old normal self but nothing feels the same anymore. I'm not happy..and the people that are supposed to be there for me aren't but I'm always the first one they call when they're going through something. I thought I found the person that would help bring me out of this hole that I feel trapped in but he's only digging it deeper for me..

Me and my boyfriend Jamell better known as Ynw Melly have been together for about 5 years now. He was the one who was getting me through everyday at the beginning of our relationship but almost a year later he was taken away from me and thrown in jail. After being released about another year later we were on good terms and life felt normal again. Things started going downhill soon though because he was always out late and brushing me off all the time but then that lead to many arguments which lead to him hitting me. That brings us to now, me and Jamell are arguing over him being seen kissing another girl and it was posted on TheShadeRoom.

"Man you deadass doing too much" he says about to walk away. "How am I doing too much Jamell you just embarrassed me infront of thousands of people but I'm doing too much!?" I exclaim. "Fine y/n I'm sorry but it ain't the end of the world" he says rolling his eyes. "You know what im done" I reply grabbing my things out of the closet. "Sure" he chuckles laying on the bed. "Me and you both know you have no one to run to. Nobody gives a fuck about you y/n and it's time for you to realize that. You. Have. Nobody." He adds. Now I'm in tears but not because he hurt my feelings but because he was right I didn't have anyone but him but I didn't want to face it. "STOP JUST STOP" I yell crying. He looks at me with a smirk on his face and gets up walking over to me.

He grabs my chin turning my head towards him so that we are making eye contact. As I look into his eyes I see so much hatred in them and he has a disgusted look on his face. Balling up his fists he just starts sending blow after blow to my face and didn't stop until I fell unconscious.

Later I woke up in a hospital bed and the only people I saw was my bestfriend Royalty and of course Jamell. He was sitting on the couch across the room on his phone while Royalty was pacing the room. "Royalty" I said sleepily "Girl finally you woke up." She said worriedly. "What happened?" she asks
Everything that had happened came back to me and I looked at Jamell who was already looking at me shaking his head no. I sighed "I don't remember.." I responded lowly. She looked at Jamell "Well you must know what happened since you called the ambulance." She says. I could tell she was getting suspicious. One part of me wanted her to find out but the other part didn't.

"Yea I know what happened" he says with a tone. She sits there with here arms crossed waiting for him to explain. "Well I'm waiting" she also says with a tone. "She fell down the stairs like I said before and I don't know who you think you is questioning me about something you don't know shit about." He responds standing up. She also stands up "First of all you need to watch who the fuck you talking to and two you not gon tell me she fell down the stairs! That's not gonna leave marks like that!" She yelled. "Stay in yo fucking place" Jamell says and he walked out. I just sat there watching the whole thing go down. I wanted to do say something to Jamell for talking to Royalty like that but I already knew what would've happened to me.

"Y/n please tell me the truth about what happened." Royalty pleaded. "I-I can't" I said trying to hold back tears. "He put his hands on you didn't he?" She asks I just look away. "How long had he been hitting you?" She adds making me look at her. Before I could say anything the Jamell walks in with the doctor following behind him.

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