Chapter 1 - 10

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Chapter 1 is back It's

  June, and it's already getting hot.

  Outside the bus station of Nanshan City, people of various colors come and go, making this fairly developed city even busier.

  Back here, it is not far from Peach Blossom Village. Maybe it was because he was close to the hometown, and Cheng He was a little excited.

  For a long time, the economy of Nanshan City has not been very good, and it would be good not to drag the country back. However, in the past few years, the environment of Nanshan City, surrounded by mountains on three sides, has ushered in a slight improvement due to the sudden rise of self-driving tours.

  Cheng He sat on the shoulders of a little girl who looked like pink and jade. At this time, he said timidly: "Dad, there are many people here." The

  little girl came to the city of Nanshan for the first time after she was born, and she blinked her gem-like pupils. , looking at the strange world in front of him with curiosity.

  Cheng He raised his hand, patted her lightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, baby, Dad is here."

  Like all urban stations in the country, there are various taxis or motorcycles outside the station. As long as someone comes out of the station, These people will immediately surround them.

  After some bargaining, Cheng He took a taxi back.

  The journey is not too close. After leaving the urban area of ​​Nanshan, we started to head towards the mountain road. The little girl held by Cheng He looked out through the glass window, her eyes were dizzying, and the surrounding scenery was dizzying.

  Green mountains, green water, blue sky, white clouds.

  From time to time she whispered, "Dad, there's a red tree there."

  "Dad, there's a pond there!"

  "Dad, there's fish in the water!"

  "Dad, there's a bird there!"

  " Dad, there's a bird in there!" What is that?"

  Cheng He gently stroked his daughter's little head and said, "That is a hare, running very fast."

  Cheng Xinxin nodded in agreement and said, "It runs really fast. It has to go back and cook for its babies."

  "Pfft..." Cheng He was amused by his daughter's innocent thinking. .

  Nearly two hours of mountain road, with twists and turns, the road conditions are not good, the people are mixed, and finally, Taohua Village is not far from the sight.

  The village surrounded by mountains, just like when it left a few years ago, is peaceful, poor, but beautiful.

  Stepping on this road again, Cheng He felt a burst of sadness inexplicably.

  After being away for so long, he thought he would be calmer, but now he suddenly felt a sense of vicissitudes of "a young boy leaving his home and returning to his home".

  This is a piece of farmland. When Cheng He went to school, every time he came back from vacation, he would pass through other people's vegetable fields, take a shortcut and go back to pick some melons to eat and quench his thirst.

  And after six years, he came back.

  So he said to the taxi driver, "Excuse me, just get off here." After paying the

  money, Cheng He got out of the car with the child in his arms.

  However, today I can't go back to the ground with vegetables, carrying a child, and carrying simple luggage, where is the place to go?

  After being away from the village road for a few years, now stepping on this land again makes him feel like he has passed away.

  Cheng Xinxin pointed to a certain field next to the field, and asked curiously, "Dad, what is this?"

  "This is a sweet potato, and now there are little sweet potatoes growing in the field, the kind of sweet potato that can be eaten, you know? "

  Yeah, I see." Cheng Xin replied softly.

  Walking slowly, Cheng He was just about to see the situation of his vegetable field, when he saw a familiar figure in the distance, he raised his voice and shouted, "Honest, honest..."

  It was Cheng Shi who was behind their house, with him They are almost the same age. They went to elementary school, junior high school, and high school together. The relationship between the two has always been very good.

  I haven't seen each other for six years, and this kid has grown bigger, darker and stronger.

  Cheng Shi was hoeing the grass when he heard the shout and raised his head to look, thinking he had seen the wrong person, rubbed his eyes again, and said in disbelief, "Heizi? Is that you?

  " Come to shout, it is similar to "Heizi", so he has a nickname since he was a child, called "Heizi".

  After a lapse of six years, he has also changed a bit, and Cheng Shi was almost afraid of admitting his mistake for a while.

  Cheng He hurriedly replied: "Why not me? Oh... I haven't seen you for a few years, and everything has changed."

  Cheng Shi smiled: "No! I thought I was wrong. It's really you! You really have been for a few years. I haven't come back."

  As he said, he carried his hoe out of the vegetable field and went back with him.

  When Cheng Shi heard the little girl called Cheng He's father, he smiled and said, "Heizi, you can do it! We are as old as us, and the children have been brought back. Hey, why are there only two of you and didn't bring your wife back?

  " As he spoke, he took the luggage for him and put it on his shoulders.

  Cheng He nodded, did not answer the question, but said in agreement: "Yes, it's just the two of us."

  Then he said to his daughter, "Come on, Xinxin, call me uncle." The

  little girl shouted crisply . : "Uncle."

  Cheng Shi didn't think much about it, and still said enthusiastically: "Heizi, you haven't come back in the past few years, but the family has changed a lot! In the past few years, many people from other places have come to Xiaolian Mountain. For tourism, our village is the closest to Xiaolian Mountain, so it can be considered to be full of light."

  Taohua Village is the closest village to Xiaolian Mountain, and self-driving tourists will choose to enter the mountain from here, so Taohua Village has also touched some light, for example, a few opened Farmhouse, business is not bad.

  There is no wealth or wealth, but there are some subsidies for the family.

  Almost at the entrance of the village, Cheng Shi was a little mysterious, but said like a joke: "Heizi, you saw something in a while, but don't cry..."

  The two originally lived in front of the house and behind the house, and they were classmates of elementary, middle, and high school, and their relationship has always been very good. Although I haven't seen each other for a few years, but after talking all the way back, I slowly returned to the feeling of my childhood.

  That's what I said before, there's nothing to worry about.

  Cheng He asked, "What else can I cry about?"

  That year, when he graduated from high school, an accident happened at home and his parents lost their lives. He arranged the family's property and the only dog ​​and left. This sadly.

  Haven't come back for so many years.

  Now, what is there to cry about?

  Cheng Shi knew that his words evoked his sadness, and sighed, not knowing what to say.

  In the blink of an eye, I came to the head of the village and saw a dog sitting at the intersection of the village from a distance.

  The dog sat quietly at the intersection, looking towards the direction away from the village, as if waiting for someone. Maybe it's been waiting for a long time, and its expression is a little dull, its sitting action is like a statue.

  Cheng He's eyes were suddenly a little sore, and he walked over with the child in his arms.

  This is a yellow local dog, which is exactly the same as the dog he used to keep, except that it is bigger, the fur is thinner, and it looks older.

  Even the white fur on the back is the same.

  The dog was very close to Cheng He. Cheng He went to school, so it just waited at home. When Cheng He came back in a week or a month, the dog was always the most excited, and rushed towards him from a distance.

  As long as Cheng He is at home, the dog will always follow him, always rushing in front of anything, and never cowardly.

  Is this only it?

  It's been so many years!

  Cheng He's throat was a little tight, and he called out tentatively: "Napoleon."

  His dog used to be called Napoleon.

  At that time, his name was more like a middle school, and he didn't want to be like others, with local names such as "Laifu" and "Prosperity".

  The yellow dog, who was sitting on the ground like a statue, suddenly rushed over like a madman, looked at Cheng He carefully, sniffed around him beside him, suddenly raised his head, and "woohoo" at him She cried out, her voice was pitiful and pitiful, her eyes seemed to have tears in her eyes.

  It's it, that's right!

  Cheng He's heart was sour, he stretched out his hand, and the big yellow dog immediately stretched out his head and rubbed hard against his palm.

  Cheng Shi said with a smile: "I told you a long time ago, I told you not to cry. Do you know that after you left, this dog will be here every day. He thought you went to school like before. , will be back soon. After so many years, rain or shine."

  It has been here for more than six years?
  Cheng He hugged the big yellow dog tightly, his hands shaking a little. Fearing that it would starve to death, he fostered it at his uncle's house.

  Cheng Shi said: "This dog doesn't want to stay at your uncle's house. Since you left, it has been here every day. I can't stand it anymore, and I want to take it home, but it won't stay at my house either. Come here every day to wait for you. People in the village think this dog is loyal, and every day someone brings food to feed it."

  Cheng He's tears flowed, and he couldn't say a word while hugging the dog.

  Cheng Xinxin felt very curious when she saw her father touching the dog. She also stretched out her hand and tried to touch the big yellow dog. After touching it, the dog didn't bite her, so she could not help laughing secretly "hee hee".

  The big yellow dog lay on Cheng He tamely, its ears were drooping, its tail waving happily, enjoying the caress of the father and daughter, and whispering softly in his mouth, as if he was telling something.

  Cheng Zheng looked at it, and his heart was filled with emotion.

  Childhood playmate, brother who has been away from home for many years, is back!
  (End of this chapter)

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