Artemis quickly swapped the glass in front of him for one of ice water and an anti-nausea pill before settling into the chair beside him.

After making sure he had the pill under his tongue, Artemis wordlessly handed the other glass to Wally to put in the fridge for later.

Wally glanced back towards the table to get a quick glimpse of Dick.

He was shaking and pale, sweat was starting to bead on his brow. He was slumped over the table with his arms hiding his face...

His shoulders were shaking and quiet, muffled cries were coming from his slumped form.

Artemis gently laid a hand on his back causing him to stiffen for a moment before he relaxed and allowed her to gently rub his back.

Artemis frowned in defeat and sadness and shared a look with Wally, who had an identical look on his face.

After a moment his shoulders relaxed and he lifted his head up just a bit to rest his chin on his arms.

Wally glanced at Artemis once more before coming around to sit on his other side.

"How's your stomach?"

Dick grimaced and then sniffled slightly.

"... better."

"Wanna try again?"

Dick merely gave a timid nod which prompted Wally to flash Artemis a quick smile before it quickly vanished as he noticed Artemis's weird expression pointed at Dick.

Wally swiveled his head around and froze for a moment before a serious look came over him. Apparently, Wally now saw whatever Artemis did.

Dick stiffened as Artemis suddenly stuck out her hand to feel his forehead, promptly ignoring Dick's surprised gasp. Her hand lingered for a moment before sending Wally a look and they both quickly got up.

Wally made for the fridge... while Artemis quickly grabbed her phone off the counter and made towards the living room.

Dick's eyes followed her until she was out of sight, right in time for Wally to plop the protein shake back in front of him.

"C'mon buddy, you gotta try again okay?"

Dick let out a non-committal hum and took a small sip as Artemis came back into the kitchen with phone propped against her ear as she started rummaging in a drawer.

"No, no fever he's just pale and clammy to the touch... yes I think it's that too. No, I have one. Yes, my boyfriend has... hypoglycemic issues sometimes. Ah, I got it."

She carefully adjusted her phone as she took out what she had been looking for, a glucose meter.

"Yeah I know to change the needle..."

She quickly threw Wally and Dick a 'duh' look, causing Wally to snicker and Dick... well he just had a really confused look on his face.

"One moment please..."

She set the phone down on the counter and gently took Dick's hand, once again ignoring his confusion.

"Hold still, Dick."

"Wha-- ow!"

Artemis pressed a napkin to his slightly bleeding finger after she made sure the meter had enough of a sample. After a few seconds she glanced back down sighed.

Well, that would explain it.

She quickly grabbed her phone off the counter and pressed it to her ear once again and spun around to open the fridge.

"It's 64mg/dl... yep I got orange juice."

She shut the door with her foot and handed off the carton to Wally who zoomed up beside her once he heard the reading.

He quickly poured a tall glass and set it beside the other glass, giving Dick a slight nudge on the shoulder. Dick though, was merely looking at the two glasses in a daze.

Wally sat back down beside him and took the glass of orange juice and gently pressed it into Dick's hand.

"Juice first man, the whole thing. I know it's hard but if you don't drink it we're gonna have to call an ambulance. You're in danger of hypoglycemic shock."

At the mention of an ambulance Dick quickly snapped out of his daze and started taking small sips, trying not to make his use of the anti-nausea meds in vain.

Artemis watched him with a critical eye before quickly saying goodbye to the other person on the phone.

"Thank you doctor, I'm going to set a timer for thirty minutes... yes I will let you know."

She hung up and quickly set the timer before returning to her previous seat.

Twelve minutes had passed and the glass of orange juice was almost gone, just a few more sips.

Wally and Artemis paused in their conversation, a seemingly futile effort to perk Dick up a bit, and spared a look at his face.

He was a lot less pale but... he looked absolutely miserable.

He was clearly sick to his stomach but the fact he's keeping it down is good.

Dick sniffled and took the last sip of the juice.

"Good! Now... I know you're going to hate this but..."

Wally slowly slid the protein shake back over. A little more than half was left.

Dick's face fell and he paused for a moment before shocking both Wally and Artemis by quickly grabbing the glass and attempting to down it in a few gulps.

Wally got up so fast his chair nearly toppled, a hand flying to Dick's back as he started gagging almost immediately. But... he managed to keep it down even if just by gritting his teeth.

"Damnit Dick! I don't think that was your greatest idea dude..."

Well maybe not but he just wanted to get it done and over with...

Wally's scolding tone had dwindled down to jittery laughter by the time he was done with that sentence.

Artemis just looked like she wanted to hit both of them upside their heads... maybe later. Because as Artemis peered at Dick's face she noticed that behind that small smile was discomfort.

He must be exhausted, probably dehydrated too. But, at least he got some sustenance.

One thing at a time, day by day.

She got up from her seat and grabbed a tall cup with a lid from one of the overhead cabinets and quickly filled it the brim with ice water.

"I think you better rest Dick, how about in the living room? You can have the recliner."


Wally helped him up and helped him get comfortable in the chair as Artemis set his water down on the table next to him. She also brought over the TV remote and a small trashcan... just in case.

Dick's eyes were already fluttering by the time they were done and as Artemis carefully pricked his finger again, Dick barely stirred.

Twenty-seven minutes... close enough. Wally ran to the kitchen to turn off the timer before it could wake up Dick as Artemis waited for the result.

A slight rush of air ruffled her hair as Wally sped back to be by her side.

"It's gone up safely. 93mg/dl... he can rest now."

After Artemis had set the meter down and they both crashed on the couch, Artemis leaning her head upon Wally's shoulder.


Artemis gazed up at her boyfriend, waiting for him to continue.

"... it could have gone worse?"

Artemis merely snorted before starting to drift off herself.

Yeah, yeah it could have.


And apparently I like making myself relive some... uncomfortable... events.

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