"You saved me from dying, and shot more planes down than me. That good?" He huffs.

"It was decent, but I'll take it." I shrug, and give him a side hug, while patting his back.

The landing strip became silent as we all watched the F-14 descend, getting lower and lower.

However they got that rust bucket into the air, was a miracle.

And it would take them another to land, I mean, if they could. Somehow, Maverick and Rooster managed to lose their landing gear, stealing the ship on the bombed air strip.

They crashed into the safety net, and skidded back a few feet.

Everyone let out a breath of relief, until the plane went on fire. Teams of men and women rush over to the plane, and start extinguishing the fire, as we wait for our two heroes.

Once it's safe, the shield pops off, and I see my Dad get out, safe and sound. Then I see Rooster's head pop up, and then I watch him slide right off side of the plane.

The small mass that has accumulated on the deck of the aircraft carrier bursts into cheers, as they begin walking towards us.

Being on the smaller side, I get pushed to the back of the crowd, watching my loved ones from a distance, no matter how hard I try to squeeze through.

I watch as they both get patted on the back from numerous people, and congratulations and praises are offered.

Rooster and Hangman even stop to interact, and they seem like old friends for a moment.

A finger taps my shoulder, and I turn to see my dad. I smile so hard. and I hug him tightly, it reminds me of when I was a little kid and so excited for him to come home.

Maverick then let go of me, expecting to see a happy look in my eyes, when he's met with flaming coals and bloodshot eyes.

He prepares for the storm.

"Maverick! You literally told me that I wasn't going on the mission because I would've sacrificed myself! You are a lying, hypocritical, son of a bi—"

My dad hugs me again, interrupting my rant. He whispers in my ear, "It runs in the family."

"Well, this is where it runs out." I huff, crossing my arms when he lets go of me. I know I'm trying to look intimidating, but I probably don't come across that way.

"I'd do anything to keep you safe." Maverick says.

I roll my eyes, "I know, but it doesn't mean you have to kill yourself for it."

My dad places one of his hands on my shoulders, "I know."

Here's the cringey sappy part.

"Thank you for coming back. And keeping him safe." I said a little softer.

"Always." Maverick says at me, giving me a knowing smile, one similar to Penny's that she gave me in the bar, which seems like a lifetime ago.

"Don't make that face at me."

"It's the only face i've got. Besides, your boyfriend over there is waiting for you." He jerks his head in Rooster's direction.

"Did Penny tell you?" I ask panicking.

"Penny knew before I did?" He asks, "Wow. I really am a bad dad."

I shrug, "There's always time to change. How did you know about us?" I questioned to change the subject.

Maverick chuckled, "You think I wouldn't notice you two getting cozy at the beach, and him holding your hand under the table in class?"

My voice comes out as two octaves higher when I say, "I guess we weren't as sneaky as I thought?"

"And that's why you're not a stealth pilot. Now go to him."

"Thanks Dad." I give him another tight hug, "We'll talk over dinner again soon."

He smiles, and walks away looking at another officer to talk to.

We could change. If I could forgive Rooster, I could forgive my dad. And things would be different this time around. I think we both appreciated each other more than we did when I was younger.

Speaking about the past, there Rooster was, waiting for me.

He looked tired and dirty from being on the ground, and maybe a little cold too.

But that didn't stop his lips and mustache turning upwards when he saw me.

He was safe. He was back.

I ran over to him, and jumped into his arms, immediately hugging me. He looked down at me, and then at the sky for a moment, grateful that we were both alive.

Then pulled Rooster by the top of his jumpsuit and kissed him. Hard.

I try not to hear the whistles and cheers of everyone, and some people shout out in surprise.

I pulled back, and Bradley had a lovestruck look on his face.

I stepped back, aware at our close figures in front of everybody. Bradley opened his mouth to say something, but I didn't want to hear it at the moment.

He was in trouble.

"Bradley Bradshaw!" I said in a stern voice, one his mother would be proud of.

"Yes ma'am." He said nervously, surprised I was angry with him. Brad should know why, he almost broke his promise to me again.


Bradley leaned in and kissed, just to shut me up from my ranting.

I ended it pretty shortly, and I buried my face in his chest.

"You need to shower. But don't you ever do that again to me, got it Bradshaw?" I said, my words muffled by his muscular chest.

He chuckled, and I could feel it rumble into me. He said, "I promise I won't," in a voice so low only I could hear it.

I shuffle, holding back tears, before I say, "Don't make a promise you can't keep."

I was so scared that Rooster would've died today, and it felt so amazingly nice to have him wrapped around me.

"I intend to keep all of my promises. Especially the ones I told you last night. I love you." He says, and I blush, thinking about how he promises he'd marry me one day.

"I love you too." I answer back, smiling so hard my dimples are showing.

"Now that the lovebirds are done reuniting," Hangman says with a little disgust or maybe jealousy, "I think it's time for a celebration." Mentioning the bottles of liquor we had snuck aboard, down below deck. Good stuff we'd been saving until after the mission. Either for our victory or drowning our sorrows away if something went wrong. If someone didn't come back.

I laughed and raced Rooster below decks, hopefully so I could get a drink before him. That night, we celebrated our victory, being the best of the best pilots the navy had to offer, and for doing a job well done.

As I looked around the room, seeing Phoenix and Bob, Payback and Fanboy, Hangman, my eyes finally resting on Rooster beside me, I couldn't help but look forward to the future.

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