Chapter 18: The Mall Rats

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(Y/N's in the ticket booth with a customer.)

(Y/N): Hello, welcome to the Starcourt movie theater. How many tickets today, sir?

Man: One.

(Y/N): One ticket for...?

Man: I don't know.

(Y/N): You...don't know?

Man: I'm stuck between two movies and I'm not sure which one to see first.

(Y/N): All right. The two movies are?

Man: Lifeforce and Day of the Dead?

(Y/N): Hm, of course they are. That's a good problem to have.

Man: I take it you've already seen them?

(Y/N): I have.

Man: Great! So, which one should I watch first?

(Y/N): That depends on you really. Which are you in the mood for, aliens or zombies?

Man: Either one I'd be watching a horror movie...

(Y/N): Yup.

Man: I still don't know.

(Y/N): [chuckles] Okay. Why don't you just do a double feature?

Man: Double feature?

(Y/N): Yeah, a double feature. It's when you watch two movies on the same day.

Man: Oh, that sounds nice.

(Y/N): Do you have anything planned for today?

Man: No. I'm free.

(Y/N): Well, there ya go! One ticket for Lifeforce and one ticket for Day of the Dead.

(He prints out the tickets & hands them to the man.)

Man: Thank you.

(Y/N): No problem. Have fun.

(The man walks in the movie theater, leaving Y/N.)

(Y/N): *pops fingers*

Dustin: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Is that Dustin Henderson?

(He hops out of the ticket booth, lifts Dustin up, & spins him around.)

Dustin: [laughs]

(He puts him down.)

(Y/N): How's my favorite pup doing?

Dustin: I'm good--I'm your favorite?

(Y/N): That is what I said.

Dustin: *smiles* I thought Max was your favorite?

(Y/N): Why? Because she's a redhead and I'm Irish?

Dustin: Yeah.

(Y/N): She's my second favorite.

Dustin: I'm going to tell her that.

(Y/N): I don't think she'll care but go ahead. How was camp?

Dustin: I'll tell you and Steve all about it. Let's go.

(He gestures to one of his coworkers to take his place in the ticket booth & then follows Dustin to Scoops Ahoy.)

Robin: Have a nice day.

(She hands two ice cream cones to some people.)

Woman: Thank you.

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