Chapter 13: Dig Dug

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(After numerous code reds, Dustin bikes up to Mike's house. Where Mr. Wheeler answers the door.)

Dustin: Your line has been busy for over two hours, Mr. Wheeler. Do you realize this?

Mr. Wheeler: Oh, I do realize.

Dustin: Is Mike home?

Mr. Wheeler: No.

Dustin: No? Well, where the hell is he?

Mr. Wheeler: Karen, where's our son?

Mrs. Wheeler: Will's!

Mr. Wheeler: Will's.

Dustin: [sighs] No one's picking up there. Nancy. What about Nancy?

Mr. Wheeler: Karen, where's Nancy?

Mrs. Wheeler: Ally's!

Mr. Wheeler: Ally's. Our children don't live here anymore. You didn't know that?

Dustin: Seriously?

Mr. Wheeler: Am I done here?

Dustin: Son of a bitch. You're really no help at all, you know that?

(He starts walking away.)

Mr. Wheeler: Hey! Language.

(As Dustin is walking back to his bike, he sees Steve pull up with some roses.)

Steve: Listen...I've been thinking...I love you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?

Dustin: Steve.

(He walks up to him.)

Dustin: Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?

Steve: No

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Steve: No.

Dustin: Good.

(He snatches the roses away from & walks towards his car.)

Steve: Hey. What the hell? Hey!

Dustin: Nancy isn't home.

Steve: Where is she?

Dustin: Doesn't matter. We have bigger problems than your love life. Do you still have that bat?

Steve: Bat? What bat?

Dustin: The one with the nails.

Steve: Why?

Dustin: I'll explain it on the way. Also, are you still friends with that werewolf?

Steve: I...have no idea what you're talking about.

Dustin: Cut the shit, Steve. I know you're best friends with a werewolf.

Steve: And how do you know that?

Dustin: Mike told me.

Steve: And how does Mike know--Nancy told him.

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