Chapter 10: Trick or Treat, Freak

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(Imagine Y/N between them.)

Tommy: We're gonna need that crown, O'Connell.

(Y/N): Touch this crown, I'll rip your arm off.

Tommy: Is that right?

Billy: Something tells me your bark is bigger than your bite.

(Y/N): Care to find out.

Steve: (Y/N), leave it.

(Nancy walks away from them causing Steve to follow her & Y/N to follow Steve. Steve catches up with her at the punch bowl.)

Steve: Hey...Whoa, whoa! Hey...Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy. Take it easy. Nance, Nance, Nance...

Nancy: We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?

(She drinks the rest of her punch & walks into the group of dancing people. Some time passes as we cut to Y/N practicing what he's going to say to Tina.)

(Y/N): "Hey, Tina. Wanna be my queen?" No. "So, I heard a rumor..." No. "You like animals? Then you're gonna love me." Absolutely not. [sighs] I'll just ask her if she wants to dance.

(He looks over to see Steve & Nancy dancing.)

(Y/N): That's nice

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Y/N): That's nice.

(He looks across the dancefloor to Tina making out with some guy.)

(Y/N): Must've been a small crush.

(Nancy goes to get more punch but Steve stops her.)

Steve: No, no, no.

Nancy: Get off.

Steve: No, you've had enough, okay?

Nancy: Screw you!

Steve: Nance, I'm serious. Hey. Hey. Hey. Stop. No, I'm serious. Put it down.

Nancy: No!

Steve: Nance, put it down.

Nancy: Steve! Stop.

(He accidentally spills the punch all over her.)

Nancy: What the hell?

Steve: Nance.

(He follows her into the bathroom where she tries to get the stain out.)

Steve: Nance, I'm sorry. That's not coming off, Nance.

Nancy: It's coming.

Steve: Come on. Let me just take you home, okay? Come here. Let me take you home. Come on.

Nancy: [slurring] You wanted this.

Steve: No, I didn't want this. I told you to stop drinking.

Nancy: It's bullshit.

Steve: No, it's not bullshit. Okay?

Nancy: Bullshit.

Steve: No, it's not bullshit, Nancy.

Nancy: No, you. You're bullshit.

Steve: [stammers] What?

Nancy: You're pretending like everything is okay. You know, like we didn' we didn't kill Barb. (Y/N) should've...

Nancy: Like, it's great

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Nancy: Like, it's great. Like, we're in love and we're partying. Yeah, let's party, huh? Party. We're partying. This is bullshit.

Steve: "Like we're in love?" [shudders]

Nancy: It's bullshit.

Steve: You don't love me?

Nancy: It's bullshit.

Steve: [sighs]

(He storms out of the bathroom, walking past Y/N then Jonathan.)

(Y/N): Is he leaving?

(He hears Steve start his car.)

(Y/N): Yeah, he's leaving. Looks like I'll be giving Nancy a ride again.

(He makes his way to the bathroom & knocks on the door.)


(Y/N): Nancy, you in there?

Nancy: (Y/N)...? Go away.

(Y/N): I'm afraid I can't do that.

(He walks in.)

Nancy: [groans]

(Y/N): I should've asked if you were decent before walking in...sorry about that. So, I saw Steve storm out of the party and I'm assuming you two got into a fight. I'm not going to ask what it was about since it's none of my business.

Nancy: Ugh...

(Y/N): [sniffs] You're drunk. And in no condition to be left alone. With Steve leaving, you need a ride home. Come on.

Nancy: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Nancy?

Nancy: You...saved me.

(Y/N): [chuckles] I did.

Nancy: Why didn't you save Barb?

(Y/N): [stutters] What?

Nancy: Why didn't you save Barb? I mean...she loved you.

(Y/N): No, I would've smelled--

Nancy: You were the last person with her...You should've saved her!

(Y/N): I...[clears throat] I know I'm not your favorite person at the moment but that doesn't mean I'm leaving you in this bathroom with no way home.

Nancy: You think you're such a good person...but you're not. You're as much of a monster as the thing that killed Barb.

(Y/N): Nancy.

(He places a hand on her shoulder but she immediately shrugs his hand off.)

Nancy: Touch me again and I'll scream.

(Y/N): ...

(He walks out of the bathroom & storms out of the party just as Steve did. Leaving Jonathan to take Nancy home.)

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