Now: Christmas

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December 23rd, 2014

"Y/N, this is Wanda and Pietro Maximoff"

"Hi, I'm Y/N" you say, getting up to shake their hands. 

"Hello, lovely to meet you both, I'm Loki" Loki says, following after you to formally meet them.

"Wanda and Pietro are twins I came across while in Sokovia. They have been genetically enhanced, I think they would make great assets to your team" Tony says to the group, then continues to say, "Wanda can do all different kinds of magic. She's basically a super powerful witch. And Pietro is incredibly fast"

Tony leaves to show the twins around the compound. Once the three of them exit the room, the team darts their eyes in your direction. 

"What?" you say.

"Tony's back" Steve points out. 

"No shit, Sherlock" you respond. 

"And how does that make you feel?" Nat asks.

"I did not sign up for group therapy. I feel fine" you say, as Loki reaches for your hand, attempting to comfort you. You immediately push him away, and say, "Give it up, Loki. He left the room, no need for that"

"So not lovebirds?" Thor asks, and Nat silently shakes her head and rubs his back in a consoling manner.

"Are we supposed to be nice to him, or can I kick his ass?" Nat asks, earning a 'language' from Steve.

"No, no ass kicking. Please be nice, in fact, don't even mention the breakup, because then I'd have to talk about it and I'd quite literally gauge my own eyes out" you say, the team nods in agreement. 

The rest of the day goes smoothly, you assume. You actually wouldn't know because you locked yourself in your room for the majority of it, wanting to avoid Tony at all costs. That is, until Steve alerted you that dinner was ready. 

You fill your plate with the array of food prepared by Tony. When you go to take your seat, you notice that Tony is sitting in the seat next to yours-- the seat that used to be his.

You stand for a second, trying to figure out the best course of action. Then, Steve notices your dilemma and moves to sit next to Tony. 

Tony puts his hand on the seat, halting Steve from sitting in it, "Y/N and I need to learn to get along. I'm going to be here for at least a month and I don't think either of us want to be walking on eggshells the whole time" he says. 

You nod at Steve, allowing him to return to his original seat and with a fake smile, you take the seat next to Tony. 

Everybody eats in awkward silence for a few minutes, until Pietro clears his throat.

"I don't mean to overstep, but why do you two hate each other so much?" he asks.

"We don't hate each other, dislike maybe, but never hate" Tony immediately responds. 

"Speak for yourself" you mumble.

"Excuse me?" Tony says with a sternness in his voice. You look up at him and notice a deep sadness in his usually cheerful eyes. "You hate me?" he asks, you can hear the hurt in his tone. 

For a moment, you feel guilt fill your body. But quickly it passes, as you remember the horrible way he left you, he deserves to be hated.

"Maybe I do, I'd have every right to" you quip back.

"Seriously, Y/N, enough. It doesn't have to be like this, I don't know what I did to deserve this, but truly, I am sorry" he says. 

"Are you fucking with me? Is some dude going to walk out with cameras telling me I just walked the fucking prank? You're gonna act fucking stupid, like you don't know what you fucking did?" you yell, your voice progressively getting louder as you get angrier. 

Loki quickly moves out of his chair and over to you, placing his hands on your arms, trying to calm you down.

"Y/N, please. You're going to have an anxiety attack. Please, I'm begging you, just walk away" Loki pleads. 

Without another word, you allow Loki to walk you out of the kitchen and into your bedroom. He brings your plate too, so you can eat dinner in peace. 

After ensuring that you're okay, Loki walks back into the kitchen to resume his dinner. As he walks in, Tony stops him before reaching the table and asks if you're okay.

"She's fine, for now. But I'm serious, no more of that" Loki responds. 

Tony nods and allows Loki to return to the table. He understands how bad anxiety attacks can be, and furthermore, he understands yours specifically because he used to hold you through them. He wishes more than anything that he could go into your room and hold you in his arms for the rest of his life -- like he planned, but clearly, that's not what you want.

December 25th, 2014

The whole team, including Tony, Wanda and Pietro, and excluding Hawkeye, are sitting in the living room opening Christmas presents. Despite their late arrival, everyone made sure the three of them had things to open on Christmas morning. 

As the gift giving wraps up, Tony pulls you aside. After the events of two nights ago, the two of you have remained civil with each other, in hopes of not causing any more tension or screaming matches. 

"I have something for you. The present I bought for you last year. Would you mind if we went somewhere more private?" he asks. 

You hesitate, but ultimately decide to give in. You tell him you have a present that you need to give him, too, and he follows you into you bedroom. You shut the door behind him, allowing the two of you to have some privacy. 

The two of you sit on the floor in true gift-opening fashion, and he hands you an envelope and a small, long teal box with a black ribbon tied into a bow. Immediately recognizing the box as Tiffany & Co., you hand him the box back, insisting that whatever it is, it's too expensive and that he should return it.

"Y/N, I'm not returning it. I bought it for you" he says, placing it in your hands slowly and letting his fingers graze yours. He takes a deep breath, then continues, "this is yours. Despite our relationship status or our possible dislike for each other, I bought this for you and you deserve to have it" 

You take his hand, give it a tight squeeze and manage to breathe out a 'thank you', fearing any more words will result in tears viciously flowing. 

With shaky hands, you open the box. Inside, a gorgeous diamond line necklace is displayed. You gasp and look up at Tony in disbelief, he wears the brightest grin you've seen in a long time. He carefully removes the necklace from the box and clasps it around your neck, "There, now you can't try to force me to return it, it's been used" he laughs. 

"Tony this is beautiful, thank you so much" you lean over to give him a hug. He immediately leans back in and returns the hug, holding you tighter than ever. From the moment you touch, it's like puzzles fitting into place. After a year of pain and fear, you finally feel at home again. 

Coming back to reality, you escape the hug and hand him his gift. He opens the small box and inside, he finds a beautiful silver Rolex watch. Looking up at you with the same expression you wore when seeing the necklace, you lean in and put the watch on him, just like he did to you. 

"Y/N, thank you so much. Words can't express how grateful I am" he says, giving you a light kiss on the cheek. 

You and Tony lock eyes for what feels like an eternity. You finally feel ready to talk to him about everything, and from the longing look in his eyes, you believe he is too. Just as you are about to speak, a knock startles you.

"Yes?" you answer.

"Y/N, are you in there?" Loki's voice comes from outside the door.

"Yes, why?"

"Have you seen Tony by any chance?" 


hope you enjoy!!

as always, feedback is appreciated!! 

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